Paper Released on the Debate within Saiva Siddhantha Between Pluralistic Realism and Monistic Theism

yoga-of-tirumular-smFLORIDA, April 8, 2016 (Press Release): A new monograph, Monistic Theism of the Tirumandiram (Thirumandiram) and Kashmir Saivism, written by Dr. T.N. Ganapathy, Ph D. and Dr. Geeta Ananda, Ph D. discusses the debate over whether the Tirumandiram advocates pluralistic realism or monistic theism. Essentially the debate boils down to the question of “Are there three eternal realities: God, the soul and the world? Or is there really only One, all else being merely an illusion?” This chapter also compares the school of Kashmir Saivism to the Tirumandiram, the seminal text of Saiva Siddhanta, because both advocate a perspective which bridges the above two competing viewpoints. This chapter contains three parts. The first part contains selected verses to show that the burden of the song of the Tirumandiram is monism only. The second part gives a brief account of Kashmir Saivism representing it as a Saivite model of monism. The third part shows the parallelism between the Tirumandiram and Kashmir Saivism to emphasize the viewpoint that the Tirumandiram advocates monism and monism only. This parallel study is an unexplored field hitherto.

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Source: Hinduism Today