Pakistani Hindus hold demonstrations at Jantar Mantar for various demands !

New Delhi : Pakistani Hindus, taking refuge in India due to their inability to bear the torture meted out to them by Muslims in Pakistan, have started agitation from 20th December at Jantar Mantar. This agitation is led by Shri. Nahar Singh, who has given refuge to these Hindus. Various demands like ‘getting permission to stay in India; getting land on permanent basis and employment; provision for education of small children including getting Indian citizenship’ are made by agitators. They have warned the Government that till their demands were not fulfilled; they would continue the agitation. About 40 Hindus are participating in the agitation at Jantar Mantar.

Shri. Kishanmal, a Hindu refugee participating in the agitation said, “When we were entering India from Munnabao border in Badmer District Rajasthan, Indian officers asked for bribe of Rs. 25 lakhs for entering India. As it was not possible for us to raise such high amount, they took away ornaments worth lakhs of rupees from Hindu women. When we asked to return the ornaments, they lodged a complaint of theft against us. It is injustice to us and Hindu women have demanded that they should get back their ornaments.”

Shri. Kishanmal said further, “We have left all our belongings, sold our land, house everything for a meager amount to local Muslims and have come to India. One Hindu sold his car and land worth Rs. 2 crores only for Rs. 40,000/- because we are concerned about safety of our women. After entering Indian border, we kissed the soil; but here too, we have to face torture.  It is, however, better to face this torture than the torture faced in Pakistan. We have lot of expectations from India.”

Shri. Daivesh Redkar of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti visited the venue of agitations when an activist of a powerful pro-Hindu organisation also reached there. He said, “BJP and big pro-Hindu parties should do something in the matter.” On this, Shri. Daivesh said to him, “Will your organisation do something for these Hindus at local level ?’ when he said, “We cannot do anything at local level and persons holding senior posts have to give orders.”

Agitating Hindus narrate condition of Hindus in Pakistan

  1. Most of Hindu children are unable to study beyond 5th standard in Pakistan as Hindus are treated as secondary citizens even in Education field. If they want to study further, they are taught ‘Kalama’ from Quran.
  2. Few Hindus have studied up to graduation level; but they are not given government jobs.
  3. Hindu girls are kidnapped openly. Once 3 Hindu girls were kidnapped; they were taken to and detained first in Islamabad and then in Karachi. They were forced to convert to Islam. Out of them, one committed suicide due to torture, second unwillingly adopted Islam and we still do not know what happened to the third Hindu girl.
  4. When children play cricket and a Hindu boy hits four runs or expresses joy over it, they are thrashed by Muslims. The only Hindu in Pakistani team, Danish Kaneria has been falsely charged with taking bribe and thrown out of the team.
  5. Muslims have been taught that they would go to heaven if they convert Hindus; therefore, Hindus are forcefully converted.
  6. When Hindus take out VISA for coming to India, some members of their family and especially ladies are refused VISA. As a result, Hindu families stay back since they cannot leave their women alone.
  7. Neither Pakistani officers help Hindus to get VISA nor does India help them in the matter.

Hindu refugees undergoing torture after coming to Bharat

  1. Some of these Hindu refugees tried to get job at Faridabad in a company; but after few days, officers from Crime branch called them and asked them to go back to Delhi because they had not mentioned in their Visa about going to Faridabad.
  2. Police are torturing them in the name of taking action as their period of Visa is over.
  3. No arrangement of their stay has been made; therefore, they have been staying on footpaths for the past 2-1/2 months at different places.
  4. They were provided food and arrangements of stay in the night were made by a nearby Gurudwara ; but the chief of Gurudwara did not cooperate. They were allowed to stay for one night and on the following morning, they were asked to leave.
  5. The Government or any of its officers have not yet paid any attention to their agitation. Powerful pro-Hindu organizations also have not yet extended proper support. Shri. Kishanmal said, “Everyone comes and talks; but nobody really helps to solve our problems.”

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat