Jodhpur – Bappu Ji Temple area based Pakistan Hindu Refugees with water tanks donated by PHRR Program and facilitated by VHP Jodhpur and Hindu Helpline.
Pakistan Hindu Refugee Relief Program (PHRRP) donated Eight 500 Liters water tanks to Pakistani Hindu refuges based out of Bappu Ji Temple, Jodhpur Rajasthan. The program was implemented in coordination with Jodhpur based PHRRP team whose lead is Mr. Vikram Parihar.
Donation Snapshot:
I. Date of Donation: July 27th 2014
II. Place of Donation (House No/ Street etc.): BAPPU JI TEMPLE, JODHPUR, RAJASTHAN
III. Place of Donation (City/ State/ Country): JODHPUR, RAJASTHAN
V. Nature of Donation: 500 LITRES CAPACITY WATER TANKS (08 Tanks)
VII. Donation Event Lead: VIKRAM PARIHAR
- Number of families / Persons impacted: 35 FAMILIES, 145 PERSONS
Donation Event Background & Requirement:
The scenario at Jodhpur based refugees have improved. Recently they have been provided permit to establish tents at a hill namely Bappu Ji Temple. There are approximately 35 families comprising 138 people staying at this location. It’s a small hill which hosts a Hindu temple. During heat, the families had a hard time in getting water for drinking, washing, bathing etc. The area itself doesn’t have any water hand pump or water tab provided by Govt. as that’s a barren land. Thus the Hindu refugees had to visit nearby farming area and far flung (2-3 Km) for procuring drinking water which was limited on mercy of local farmers and people who owned water tabs in nearby areas. With summers approaching, the local farmers and nearby localities stopped Hindu refugees from collecting water from their canals and hand pumps as a result an acute shortage of drinking water and water to wash clothes / utensils or use for food cooking was originated and physical and mental stressed increased ten folds as now the Hindu refugees had to travel more distance to collect water. Many got ill as a result of dehydration and sun stroke. Small children were the worst victim. Women were not able to cook and wash utensils, clothes etc. Having a bath became out of question. When the local group leader Chetan Ram updated Rajasthan PHRR coordinator, Vikram Parihar on this immediate requirement. Vikram Parihar updated the PHRR Program director, Rahul Chandra who updated US based advisory board (consists of members from HAF, US Sindhi Grp., VHPA and HMSA, PHRRP) and sanctioned donation of Eight 500 Liter capacity water tanks. The water tanks will be filled on recurring basis (once biweekly) by Water Truck (8000 Liters capacity). This has brought a great relief to Hindu refugees. At ground level the event was implemented by volunteers and office bearers of Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and Hindu Helpline.
About PHRRP Program:
Pakistan Hindu Refugee Relief Program (PHRRP) is an ongoing global program to provide relief and assistance to migrated Pakistani Hindu Refugees in India and globally. Assistance majorly comprises groceries, items of daily sustenance, 8in * 10in Tents for family (04 person capacity), medical visits by doctors, medicine purchase, legal assistance, requests and meeting facilitation with local and state administration for facilitating relief in terms of land allocation, water and accommodation in Govt. sponsored shelter for homeless. The program currently is assisting refugees based out of cities of Rajasthan and Delhi /NCR region. The program is an umbrella project of multiple US based Hindu organizations like World Hindu Council of America (VHPA), Hindu American Foundation (HAF), World Hindu Foundation (WHF), Hindu Congress of America (HMSA) and US Sindhi Alliance and other Sindhi groups based out of USA. In India the program is being supported by members of Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), Hindu Helpline and Youth for Nation volunteers (YFN). As more refugee camps are located, the program plans to expand in operations.
More information on this program can be researched at: http://www.pakhindurefugeerelief.wordpress.com. You can support this program from anywhere around the world, you can mail parcels of items to our India based PHRRP locations, donate funds via our website / mail checks or help in spreading this program data in your city and implement donation drives.
Please feel free to circulate this press release and publish at your media portals.
To volunteer, donate and support this program write to PHRRP program director Mr. Rahul Chandra at:
rahul.chandra@vhp-america.org or call: +1 713 429 4037.
You can extend your donation assistance in terms of monetary, food/ clothing , tents, writing to / meeting Rajasthan ministers etc.