Opinion: D. C. Nath(President, Patriot’s Forum) – Mahabharat: A Fresh Look

DC Nath SmallPresident of Patriots Forum, D.C. Nath was superannuated in January, 1995, as the Special Director, Intelligence Bureau, D.C. Nath (IPS-1960) was associated with the International Institute of Security and Safety Management (IISSM), headquartered in New Delhi, for over 14 years, first as the Executive President & CEO and then as the President & Director General, between February, 1997 and March, 2011. The author of a highly acclaimed book, Intelligence Imperatives for India, Mr. Nath earned high plaudits from all around for two of his very significant presentations on: “Revisiting the Future of India” (2005, London) and “Lessons from India for the War On Terrorism” (2007, USA). He is the only one in the field, combining the experiences of a police officer with specialization in intelligence and strategic analysis and an industrial security expert par excellence. More Bio on D. C. Nath…



August 13, 2016

Dear Friends,

JAI Hind!


Subject: Mahabharat: A Fresh Look


We have had the occasion to share with you the abiding truth that “Jaha nei Bharate, taha nei Bharte“, meaning thereby whatever is not in Mahahbharat, is not available anywhere in the world.

It is in the book, titled, “Ways And Reasons For Thinking About the Mahabharat As Whole” edited by Vishwa Adluri, published on behalf of Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Pune, in 2013.

Rishi Aurobindo Ghose had a look at the Mahabharat in his book, “Notes On The Mahabharat”. A case for having a second look at the Mahabharat was also made by the American scholar Hiltebeitel. Wendy Doniger and David Shulman have expressed reservations on the Mahabhart of its “Critical Edition” (CE).

Hiiltbeitel calls Mahabharat as history unlike the  Ramayana (Valmiki Ramayana), which has been found to be a true life account.

Tagore is one poet who has composed poems, expressing all aspects of human emotions-be it joy or sorrow. As far Tagore is concerned, his had been a life of sadness. Critics say that the personal tragedies suffered by Tagore had brought out the best from him. His “Sanchayita”, a collection of poems selected by Tagore himself starts with the poem, “Maronre tuhu mamo shyam (Lord Krishna) saman.

7th August (Baishe Shraban) marked his 75th death anniversary. Getting back to the main theme we had started with, Mahabharat has drawn upon a lot from Greek mythology, such as, Achilles and Bhisma, Helen and Draupadi and Alcamaeon and Parashuram.

The book, “Ways And Reasons For Thinking” (should we say, re-thinking) is indeed a remarkable book, says Vishwa Aduluri, who has reviewed it. Aduluri is a former Addl. Chief Secretary, West Bengal and he specialises on mythology.

An important point made by Adulri is: “Rabindranath is to be read in his poems–in Bengali or in good translations from Bengali“.

Well, Friends, we all are familiar with the Mahabharat but never realised that there was scope of revisiting this epic. We are greatly impressed by Martin Kampchen. We had in the recent past presented to you Kampchen’s write-up on the difficulties of translating Rabindranath in German language. Kampchen stays at Shantiniketan.

We are indeed grateful to Martin Kampchen for sharing Adulris piece with us.



Your sevak,

D.C. Nath

    (Former Spl. Director, IB)

(President, Patriots’ Forum)



For favour of action as deemed appropriate to:


·              The Minister for HRD Ministry

(Shri Prakash Javadekar)


·             The Secretary for HRD Ministry

(Dr. Subash Chandra Khuntia)


·             Cabinet Secretary

(Shri Pradeep Kumar Sinha)


·             The Prime Minister’s Office

(Shri P.K. Mishra)


·             The Prime Minister’s Office II



Yours sincerely,

                                                                   D.C. Nath

                                                     (Former Spl. Director, IB)

                                                 (President, Patriots’ Forum)

Source: Patriots  Forum

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