President of Patriots Forum, D.C. Nath was superannuated in January, 1995, as the Special Director, Intelligence Bureau, D.C. Nath (IPS-1960) was associated with the International Institute of Security and Safety Management (IISSM), headquartered in New Delhi, for over 14 years, first as the Executive President & CEO and then as the President & Director General, between February, 1997 and March, 2011. The author of a highly acclaimed book, Intelligence Imperatives for India, Mr. Nath earned high plaudits from all around for two of his very significant presentations on: “Revisiting the Future of India” (2005, London) and “Lessons from India for the War On Terrorism” (2007, USA). He is the only one in the field, combining the experiences of a police officer with specialization in intelligence and strategic analysis and an industrial security expert par excellence. More Bio on D. C. Nath…
News Research & Analysis Files
- Dear PMji << Download Link
The Editor,
The Indian Express,
New Delhi.
With request to share this with Shri Javed Laiq.
Yours sincerely,
D.C. Nath
(Former Spl. Director, IB)
(President, Patriots’ Forum)
November 26, 2014
Dear Shri Javed Laiq,
Subject: Why Muslims In India Stick To India—Honest Answer To Javed Laiq (The Indian Express, November 26, 2014)
We have read with interest your open letter to “Dear PMji” in “The Indian Express” of date (November 26).
Let us first assure you we are a group of open-minded nationalist Indians and this response is not holding any brief for the Indian Prime Minister or of the Sangh Parivar.
While it is only correct that grievances, if any, could always be brought to the notice of the highest executive authority in the land if usual efforts have failed, we are aghast at your efforts to project only one side of the picture. You have appreciated that within the last six months, there have been reassuring developments for India’s Muslims but then there have also been hate speeches and incendiary acts by Individuals belonging to the Sangh Parivar.
Well, Shri Laiq, lest readers of this daily may be misled by your one-sided projection, we felt it necessary to share the following from an earlier report of ours:
“Why minority appeasement policy of the erstwhile UPA government is being continued? In their pronounced vote-bank politics, the UPA had not only created a Ministry of Minority Affairs, in spite of there being a constitutional body, namely, the Minority Commission, just to create the unconstitutional body of Sachar Commission. While the illegality of the Sachar Committee has been challenged by the Delhi-based Think Tank, namely, the Patriots’ Forum and the concerned PIL is now in the Supreme Court for listing, the UPA government, under the cover of implementing the recommendations of that challenged unconstitutional Sachar Committee report, made a dash for granting various kinds of privileges to the minority (read Muslim) community and granting lakhs of scholarships to the children of the minorities, all the while denying the same to the children of the Hindus in much poorer condition, especially in the villages, creating extremely anomalous and socially divisive conditions all over the country.
In order to bring this highly anomalous situation to the notice of the people, two senior police officers, namely, Shri R K Ohri and Shri J P Sharma, quickly undertook a deep research and finally brought out a phenomenal book, titled, “The Majority Report”. It vividly brings out ,with true case studies, how the UPA government virtually made Hindus in the country a secondary group of citizens. Of course, this distressing situation was initially created by the former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh making that absurd and most unconstitutional statement ever made by any Prime Minister any where in the world that the minorities had the first right to national resources of the country. It was, incidentally, also a clear violation of the first part of the oath of office by the Prime Minister, who had taken the oath not to discriminate against any one on the basis caste, creed or religion.
The unbounded flow of money that came out of the public exchequer, both in the Centre and in the States, to meet the demands of different schemes for the Muslims came from the public exchequer. People who tried to unearth the total money so spent by the Centre and State governments on the minority schemes believe that it would prove to be the largest scam ever. Incidentally, it may also be a matter of formal enquiry whether all the money spent by the Ministry of Minority Affairs was within the sanctioned budget of the Ministry or had come from other dubious sources or even unauthorisedly diverted from other ministries.
You would also be probably aware that the last UPA government had gone to the extent of setting up a Committee (Kundu Committee) in September 2013, to assess the implementation of the recommendations of the Sachar Committee Report, etc. That Committee has submitted its report on October 9, 2014, and is now under examination.
“The continuation of all these clearly “unconstitutional” activities and the expenditure, involved even under the popular national government in the Centre, is a major point of grievance on the part of the majority community and calls for early remedial measures. This is specially so when the Prime Minister has made a public statement that the government will treat all citizens as equal.”
You have referred to objectional activities of the Shiva Sena in Maharashtra, but we hope you are also aware of the highly provocative speeches by both the Owaisi brothers of Hyderabad, highly treasonous behaviour of a respected Maulana from UP, offering 5 lakh Sunni volunteer towards the formation of a united world jihadi force for the cause of the newly formed Caliphate announced by the ISIS and of the existence and objectionable activities of a totally militarised Muslim organisation in Kerala by the name “Popular Front of India” that has not yet banned. Well, many more such highly objectional activities from the side of the Muslim friends, and be cited.
As we understand, the Muslims in India consider themselves as sons-in-law of the land and even if offered settlement facilities in any of the so many Islamic countries in the Middle East countries, they are not game for that. Well, Shri Laiq, you may like to verify this statement personally and know the truth.
Well, we do not want nit-picking and hence we stop here. Since your mail ID is not given in the daily, we are sending this rebuttal to the honourable editor of the daily with request to share copy of the mail to you, requesting for a response. We shall feel grateful.
Yours sincerely,
D.C. Nath
(Former Spl. Director, IB)
(President, Patriots’ Forum)
Source: Patriot Forum
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