Opinion: D. C. Nath (President, Patriot’s Forum) – Our Experience With Guruji

President of Patriots Forum, D.C. Nath was superannuated in January, 1995, as the Special Director, Intelligence Bureau, D.C. Nath (IPS-1960) was associated with the International Institute of Security and Safety Management (IISSM), headquartered in New Delhi, for over 14 years, first as the Executive President & CEO and then as the President & Director General, between February, 1997 and March, 2011. The author of a highly acclaimed book, Intelligence Imperatives for India, Mr. Nath earned high plaudits from all around for two of his very significant presentations on: “Revisiting the Future of India” (2005, London) and “Lessons from India for the War On Terrorism” (2007, USA). He is the only one in the field, combining the experiences of a police officer with specialization in intelligence and strategic analysis and an industrial security expert par excellence. More Bio on D. C. Nath…


April 26, 2017
Dear Friends,

JAI Hind!


Some of us have the privilege to know Guruji and Ruchididi, who stay in the autskirts of Delhi. This is an Ek Shivputra Mission, whose work has not yet been completed (shivputraekmission@gmail.com, shivputra_ekmission@yahoo.org phone no.- 9910820559, 9350591317). Those who can may please help the mission financially.

Guruji is an mystic person. He puts on white garb because his mother wanted him not to put on Gerua.

When we meet Guruji, he says Susth Raho, Khush raho, Ruchdidi apko yaad karte hai. Some of us have visited the Ashram and enjoyed hearty and testy meals, prepared by Ruchididi. Ruchidid also puts on white dress. When after the death of my wife in May 2009, I met Guruji he said “now you are alone and so, you are more strong” I now realise how prophetic he has been.

Ruchididi is Guruji’s daughter. She was her mother in previous life both Guruji and Ruchididi can tell one about previous birth of any individuals. That is the strength of Sadhana, based on Hinduism that believe in “Sarve Dhrama Samanay”.

Guruji claims he is the first human being in the garb of lord Shiva at Kedarnath Temple. He also called himself Aghor. Guruji does everything with the order of Lord Shiva in Kedarnath. Guruji drives his own car upto Badrinath and then foots it up the perpetually snow-clapped mountains. It is difficult for ordinary man being staying for long time in such snowy mountain tops. Yet some people do go to the Kedharnath Temple, whose door is open only for a praticilar period of time Ruchidid had also accompanied to the Kedharnath temple, where Lord Shiva resides.

There is system of hiring small quarters for staying up in the hills. Guruji stays in such small houses when he goes to Kedarnath. Guruji and Ruchidid had never take advantage of their identity and stood in the queue. Guruji uses simple cloths even on such snow-clapped places up at Kedarnath. Incidentally, Guruji always carried Golden Lota. He would find this Lota always full of water. Is it not like what the senior magician Shri PC Sarcar used a pot showing Gangs water coming out of it all the time.

Guruji and Ruchididi spent ours together on meditation (Sadhana). During such Sadhana, they can transpose themselves to any place. Guruji believes Trikone. The First Trikone is Kedarnath, Kashi (Varanasi) and Maa Kamaksha. Kamaksha is place of tantrics. Guruji says he is not a tantrick. We feel Guruji is much above that.

Guruji does not make any distinction between any religious groups whether one is a Muslim or a Christian. Guruji knows many languages including English, Urdu. Recently he has written a book namely “Trikone bol rha hun”. Being a Bengali I could understand the Hindi language. The book has been written in such Suddh Hindi that many Hindi knowing people would find the difficult to understand, especially some of the adjective, Guruji have used in this book. Guruji visited Rotary clubs many times. He spoke in Hindi. Hours went by. When Guruji finally stop the Rotarian felt it was only for a few minutes. That meant Guruji kept the Rotarians so much engaged!

Well, Friends, there are certain lessons that we could learn from Guruji:

1) Guruji has to be in India that is on the soul of India though in his meditation or Sadhana can see any places in the world.

2) One is lucky, especially to be born as human being.

3) You are lucky to be alone as Guruji have told me.

4) India is land of Mantra Sakti.

5) The Mantras are to be pronounced loudly there has been a miss conception that “Gyatri Mantra” is not be loudly uttered. It is nonsense.

6) I am lucky to be alone. Now I have time to do more work, even if I may not the able to do Sadhana or meditation for a long time.

7) Most importantly Guruji has warned about Global “Warming” that is crisis of water is looming large before human population. We do not find newspapers and other thinker talking about this gravest threat to human civilization.

Guruji, kindly accept my respectful Pranam and share it with Ruchididi. You had inquired about the writing of my book on “Happy Moments In The Life Of Policeman”. I am grateful you had inquired about it the book has been completed and it now with his the publisher. I hope come up to the Ashram to meet you and Ruchidid and present a copy of the book to you and Ruchidid. I would come in such a manner that I could enjoy a hearty launch prepared by Ruchididi.

I beg to be pardon by our esteemed readers for a lot of personal matters sharing with you. Normally, we do not do so. As you would see, I could not help it. I beg to pardon once again. I do hope you would graces enough to pardon me.


Your sevak,

D.C. Nath

(President, Patriots’ Forum)

(Former Spl. Director, IB)


Copy for information to:

· Cabinet Secretary

(Shri Pradeep Kumar Sinha)

· The Prime Minister’s Office

(Shri P.K. Mishra)

· The Prime Minister’s Office II

· The Minister for HRD Ministry

(Shri Prakash Javadekar)

· The Secretary for HRD Ministry

(Dr. Subash Chandra Khuntia)

· The Union Home Minister,

(Shri Rajnath Singh)

· The Union Home Secretary

(Shri Rajiv Mehrishi)

· The Defence Minister

(Shri Manohar Parrikar)

· Defence Secretary

(Shri G. Mohan Kumar)

· The Minister for External Affairs,

(Sushama Swaraj)

· Foreign Secretary,

(Shri Subrahmanyam Jaishankar)

· The National Security Advisor,

(Shri A K Doval)


Yours sincerely,

D.C. Nath

(President, Patriots’ Forum)

(Former Spl. Director, IB)



Source: Patriots Forum

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