Message from the Executive Editor: Rahul Chandra Sharma
On this fourth anniversary of World Hindu News,Program thank you for empowering global Hindu news reporting, publishing and circulation world leader. Program greatly appreciate your readership, sponsorship and mentor ship. Our sincerest thanks to our ad visors Shri. Rajiv ji Varma and with the blessings of Hon. Swami Vigyananand ji, World Hindu News today is global Hindu news & media leader.
Program’s special thanks to our paid subscribers, sponsors, advertisers and eco-system partners for their generous financial sponsorship. Our appreciation for the Editorial Board, Research Board, Technical Board, Authors & Columnists. Our high regards for the technology manager Shri. V. B. for developing world class web interfaces and IT tools. Thanks to our worldwide news publishing & reporting partners. A big applaud for our associate editors and publishing manager for their wonderful services & thanks to all Allied associates who empower our program directly or indirectly.
My heartily thanks to the individuals Shri. V. A. who manage our office and international office work. My gratitude to my co- editor lead Shri. H. K. S. and pulishing lead Smt. D. P.
We bow and offer our Namaskaar To Goddess Sarawasti for blessing us with intellect & To Goddess Laxmi for monetary blessings to deploy that intellect in the service of Hindu Dharma.
Yours In Dharma,
Rahul Chandra Sharma
Executive Editor – World Hindu News