No one spoke about the killings of Hindus in Kashmir, says Tagodia

Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) international president Praveen Togadia, who was in controversy for his alleged hate speech in Gujarat recently, stated that no one uttered a word when Kashmiri Hindus were killed and ousted from Jammu and Kashmir.

International president of the VHP, Praveen Togadia, in Kota on Sunday. (AH Zaidi/HT Photo)

Togadia was in Kota to create awareness about his India Health Line project on Sunday night.

When media persons asked him about his controversial ‘hate speech’, Togadia said, “A hue and cry is being made over my speech, whereas no one spoke about the killings of around 4 lakh Hindus in Kashmir.” “Houses of Hindus were grabbed and their females were abducted, but no leader uttered a word on such incidents,” he said.

He refused to give reactions on his earlier comments and BJP’s prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi. “I am here to talk about my India Health Line project under which people will be provided free and cheap medical and health services in the country,” he said.

Earlier, while addressing a meeting of doctors at the Pursharth Bhawan in Kota, Togadia said that around 5,000 doctors have been associated with the India Health Line project and 30,000 more doctors are likely to be associated. A helpline has also been started for the purpose through which people would be able to register themselves for seeking medical aid, he added. The project would facilitate medical aid to the registered patient on half charges at private hospitals. He said the India Health Line project would commence in Rajasthan from June 29 next.

Source: Hindustan Times