No mercy to attackers of Hindus: Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina

Reaffirming that those who attacked Hindu families after the January 5 polls will be brought to justice, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today said the government will do everything to ensure the security of all faiths, including Hindus.

“The election is over… now we’ll take stern action to ensure peace and foolproof security for all…the people of all religions will live here enjoying equal rights and that has been ensured through the constitutional amendment,” she said.

The PM came up with her strong resolve while addressing a simple ceremony at Malopara of Prembagh union in Avoynagar upazila of Jessore marking the distribution of financial assistance to 61 people affected in the recent post-polls violence.

As per the directives of the Prime Minister, members of Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) are also rebuilding 65 houses there apart from renovating temples and club houses damaged during the post-election violence.

After the January 5 election, BNP-Jamaat men purportedly attacked Hindu families for their participation in the election.

The PM warned that those involved in these attacks on the Hindu people will be punished. “We can rest assured of that,” she told her audience.

Terming Hindus the children of this sacred soil, Hasina said, “This is your birthplace and you’ll live here equally enjoying every right like other people.

We’re beside you and will remain there always,” she said adding, “You’ll live in this country with courage without depending on the mercy of others.”

The PM alleged that the BNP-Jamaat terrorists were involved in the heinous attacks after the January 5 election and said those who had never wanted Bangladesh victory during its Liberation Way now have stood in the way of the country’s development. “You should always remain alert about these elements,” she said.

Hasina said the incidents that happened in some parts of the country after the 10th general election was very regretful. “After hearing the shocking news, I right away directed the administration and the party men to stand beside the affected people.”

About the election boycott by BNP leader Khaleda Zia, the premier said it was one’s personal matter whether he or she would participate in the election or not. “But no one can employ force to foil an election or unleash a reign of terror, and that is not acceptable. This is the violation of the Constitution,” she said accusing BNP-Jamaat-Shibir cadres of being behind these attacks on the Hindu community.

She said the BNP leader claimed that no one cast their votes in the last election. “If that’s true why did you torture these people just for casting their votes in the election? Why are you (BNP chief) playing the double role?

Prembagh union AL office sectary Shekhar Kumar Barman and Jessore District Puja Udjapan Parishad general secretary Dipankar Das Ratan also spoke at the function.

Source: The Daily Star