Nihal received an AM for his service to the Hindu community in Australia.
HINDUS believe in karma and Nihal Singh Agar’s ongoing dedication to exhibiting this has seen him be appointed a member of the Order of Australia in the Australia Day Honours List.
The Lane Cove resident received the award for his service to the Hindu community in Australia and fostering cross-cultural co-operation with a focus on medical education.
“You can be a top scientist, but not necessarily a good man and I would say my greatest fortune is to do service to our community, not just the Hindu community, but the Australian one as well,” he said.
Nihal Singh has been recognised as an AM for his service to the Hindu community in Australia.
Mr Agar (pictured) was among the 824 Australians on Monday to be honoured with 613 General Division appointments in the Order of Australia and 211 Australians recognised through meritorious and military awards.
“When I retired and moved from the University of New England in Armidale, I became active in the Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation. This is a non-governmental organisation which we started in Australia to provide primary education to children in remote areas of India,” he said.
The former head of Physiology is now an honorary associate in the school of molecular bioscience at the University of Sydney working alongside Philip Kuchel.