Nido Tania Case: How Indian Media Distorted The Islamic Communalism As Indian Racism

February 10, 2014; New Delhi; India:
I am writing this analysis after reading the perceptions and disinformation by our so called intellectuals, actually know-it-all type pseudo-intellectuals who cleverly cooked up a story of racismout of the Nido Tania murder case and penned down exclamatory articles that what sort of mentality the Delhi people are developing that makes them racist which they were certainly not. But I am not surprised at all, because I know that this is their job and they do it with inner enthusiasm, fooling the citizens to serve their satanic Islamic thug masters. I am writing this after intense request by my North-Eastern friends.
Yes, the murder of Nido Tania was certainly not a case of racism but that of Islamicfanaticism which was cleverly covered up by the media and those so called patrons of unity. We Indians, those Indians who are not just namesake Indians but those Indians who have real love and respect for India and its actual heritages, don’t kill people at least for their looks. While in nations color consciousness is so high, in India we were never color conscious and we have white and black color skin together in most families and we respect the black colored people thinking of Kali Mata and Krishna. In that country if someone is killed for his looks, it must knock the mind that the problem is certainly somewhere else.

Nido Tania was murdered by the Islamists like Akram, Rizwan and Farhan and not some Delhi racist.

Nido Tania was murdered by the Islamists like Akram, Rizwan and Farhan and not some Delhi racist.

Why was Nido Tania, the son of Arunachal MLA killed? The real answer was easy to fetch if someone bothered to know who killed him. The killers are more a couple of Vengeful Muslims avenging Assam and Myanmar Riots than some So Called Delhi Racist. Yes, the murderers were Farhan and Akram who teased Nido for his North-Eastern look. This is what the premier reports say. Nido was then beaten by the other supporters of Farhan and Akram. This is not an isolated case, but was a high profilecase of a strategic and organized avenge by the Muslim fanatics in India against the North-Eastern Indians. The Indian Muslims were frustrated as the Buddhists in Myanmar and Bodo Hindus in Assam successfully countered the unprovoked riot started by the Muslim fanatics who thought that it was easier to wipe out the generally non-violent Buddhists and infighting Bodo Hindus. However that trick of Islamists didn’t work and the table turned over them.

This frustration made the Muslim fanatics of India organize against the North-Eastern Hindus and look alike and the Buddhists. Successive avenging acts by Muslims followed. When Assam riot was going on, the Muslims allover India threatened the North-Eastern students and a mass-migration of those students started. They started to move to their places like during the partition of India. Bulk SMSes started flowing allover nation and they were traced back to HuJI resources in Kerala. It was then only the RSS and other Hindu nationalist organizations which stood guard for those students and that’s what saved them from the Islamic aggression. However teasing and tormenting the North-Eastern students went on by the vengeful fanatics and thugs. The Islamist faggots continued with their frustration. The Buddhists were targeted in Bodhgaya as well.
And now this Nido Tania case. The media covered up the actual essence of the case and the story was completely distorted to save the farce image of the Indian Muslims. And it damaged the status of India ruthlessly. Suddenly all the North-Indian separatist social media platforms started posting stuffs like, “I loved India but no more now, that in my own country I am being killed for my looks.” The separatist media units now turned all of a sudden formerly-Indian-now-separatist and it gave them a huge momentum to their propaganda. I encountered some posts which were itself racist in nature but cried racist. Some North-Eastern pages wrote, “Why I am hated, because I am born white unlike black skinned and ugly others? Because I have cute nose, because I have silky hair, because I am fluent in English? Because I am adventurous…” blah blah blah! They are calling rest of Indians racist and that the North-Eastern Indians are hated by the rest of Indians.
I have a stern message for those idiots. A lot people work in rest of India. Many of my friends study in rest of India, how many of them are tortured? Last time when a North-Eastern girl was raped, it came out being another 4 “Certified Peaceful Rapist” who entered Delhi from Haryana to steal cows but they raped her. Leave that, else how many of you guys are tortured here? But have you ever asked the rest of Indians how they think ten times before acting upon job offer in any city located in your areas? Do you have that fear? Be honest and answer. So should I call you rapist? Many Bengalis and Biharis are killed in Assam, so should I call you racist? I will not do that, since I know the actual cause of this fear. This is not racism, but this is separatist terrorism by terrorists sponsored by Islamic agencies like Bangladeshi DGFI and Pakistani ISI. Neither my North-Eastern friends are that much moron.
And now you are candle-marching crying racism. Where were you when you were migrating in trains from here threatened by some “Peaceful Faggots”? Where you are when your brothers are daily tortured by the Bangladeshi infiltrators are eating your every inch in border areas? Because that won’t add stars to your priceless absurd pseudo-secular credentials!
And thanks to media again. Thanks on behalf of your faggot Islamic masters. You can down the image of your nation, you can malign the image of your innocent countrymen but you can’t expose the actual culprits because they share common religion of your fanatic masters. You are honest kept of your green masters. Thank you a lot, you are a faithful puppy. You used your talent in time always, and now covered up real facts always. During the Merrut rape you never mentioned that the class 10th student was a Hindu girl and the dozen boys who raped her were “Certified Peaceful Rapists”! Likewise you ran out of candles when the “Peaceful Rapist” Mohammed Afroz was released by court in Damini/Nirbhaya rape case. You were careful that time too, to cover up other gang-rapes by Peaceful Rapists while candle-marching for Damini/Nirbhaya case.
My grand salute to the great Indian media, the honest and faithful puppy of Islamist faggots, because the Islamists will never get such faithfulness. And my grand salute to their confidence as well, such confidence is matchless, the confidence to tell white lie on the spot. And my grand salute to your great talent to color a pure case of Islamic Communalism into Indian Racism.

Source: Covert Wires