You all know that Nepal has been hit with another devastating earthquake which prompted me to send a reminder for seeking your generous contributions. I want to thank many of you who have already contributed and urge others to send in their contributions. We have raised about $2000 so far- thank you for your generosity.
Vidya Gyan’s Friends in India: Please feel free to send your contributions to the Red Cross or another charitable organization engaged in Nepal Relief efforts.
VIDYA GYAN – Federal ID: 47-2172026 [a U.S. based 501(c) (3) tax-exempt organization] is soliciting your tax-deductible contribution to offer support for Nepalese community who have suffered tragic loss of life and destruction of property of immense proportions. Our prayers are with everyone in Nepal who have lost relatives and friends, and/or suffered other types of losses.
Vidya Gyan plans to use 100% of your generous donations to support, particularly, education and health initiatives in Nepal. We will identify an appropriate governmental or non-governmental agency to receive your donations who is actively involved in the rehabilitation of schools and/or providing health services in Nepal.
We ask every one of you to open your hearts and contribute generously to the Nepal disaster fund. As of this writing more than 8,000 people have died. It is God’s calling to help our brothers and sisters in Nepal. Please contribute by sending a check payable to Vidya Gyan, with Nepal Earthquake Relief mentioned in the memo, should be mailed to:
11599 Aileron Court
Inver Grove Hts., MN 55077
Thank you for your support for this charitable cause.
P.S. Please include your email address with the check and Vidya Gyan will be pleased to send you a receipt.
ON behalf of Vidya Gyan Board
Vijendra Agarwal, Ph.D.
Co-founder and President
A Charitable Organization committed to:
Encourage Education.Cultivate Knowledge. Enable Development
Malala Yousafzai, 2014 Nobel Peace Prize
Source: WHN Media Network