“Narain Kataria’s life was an example for all Hindus to follow” – Justice for Hindus

mqdefault1Anyone involved in Hindu activism has heard of Narain Kataria.  Mr. Kataria was undoubtedly the pioneer of Hindu political activism in America.  President and founder of the “Indian American Intellectuals Forum (http://www.saveindia.com/forum.htm), Narain was a fierce proponent of Hindu rights in South Asia and abroad. Mr. Kataria fearlessly rallied the Hindu community of NYC for the cause; he did this despite constant threat to his life from the burgeoning Islamic community here.

Kataria was a relentless organizer, he was the guiding hand behind several organizations and events, such as Hindu Unity Day. Narain Kataria was responsible for kick starting Justice For Hindus (JFH) with his labyrinth of contacts and his field tested knowledge and advice.  It was Mr. Kataria who publicized and popularized JFH’s first events among NYC’s political Hindu network and published them in his tabloids.

Kataria understood the threat of Islamism all to well, he himself had been forced to flee his homeland as a teenager after the partition of India when his state of Sindh was handed over to Islamic Pakistan which was followed by anti-Hindu pogroms.  For his work to save Hindus and humanity, Kataria was often misunderstood, derided and ridiculed as being an “Islamophobe” and hater. Despite the setbacks and thanklessness of his task, Kataria never lost sight of his moral vision and persevered to the end, always working for the community.

Mr. Kataria passed away in his sleep in the hours between November 2nd and November 3rd 2015.  He will be forever remembered and cherished.  His life was an example for all Hindus to follow.  Surely his soul has found a greater incarnation.


Source: Justice for Hindus