Narain Kataria Final E-mail: Emulate Veer Savarkar’s “Militarize Hindus and Hinduize Politics”

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date: Sat, Oct 31, 2015 at 1:01 AM



How come Hindus and their  leaders in India who are surrounded by 500 million Muslims maintain deafening silence about the danger to the existence of Hindus?


“Militarize Hindus and Hinduize Politics” – Veer Savarkar

Muslims from Middle East are pouring in European countries in tens of thousands. There is a fear psychosis  in the minds of European countries that their culture will be  destroyed  and their country will be taken over by radical Islamists in due course of time.  Hence they are buying  assault rifles and getting ready to handle these violent people.

On the other hand,  in Indian Sub-continent there are about 500 million Muslims (180 millions  in Pakistan, 150 millions in Bangladesh,  and 160-170 millions in India)  whose avowed aim is to Islamize India and establish Nizam-e-Mustafa (Islamic rule).

Half a million Kashmiri Hindus have been driven from the Valley.  Seven districts in Assam and three districts in West Bengal have become a Muslim majority area. Muslim population in Assam is about 40%, in West Bengal it is 30%, in U.P.  it is 22%, and in Kerala it is 24%.  On the other hand, Hindu population in India has come down to less than 80% and Muslim population has more than doubled and assumed an alarming proportion.

While presence of a few thousands Muslims in European countries has sent shivers down their spine, no Hindu leader has come up with a plan to protect Hindus from the impending doom and disaster to be caused by the seditious and rebellious activities  by  half a billion Islamic  supremacists  whose forefathers  had forcibly wrested one third of India from Hindus and declared it  as an Islamic Nation.

Hindu leaders should learn a lesson or two from their History and discard the methodology which has failed us in the past .

Hence, it is incumbent on Hindus to identify  their real enemy and find  ways and means to extirpate them. 

One alternative  for the survival of Hindu Nation is  to emulate Veer  Savarkar, the great Hindu revolutionary and fearless  freedom fighter,  who had said that “Militarize Hindus and Hinduize Politics”.  Jai Hind!


Very truly yours, 

Narain Kataria
(718) 478-5735

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