MTV’s Splitsvilla bad for Indian culture, ban it: Goa Hindu group

 A screenshot from the show. Panaji: A Goa-based Hindu group has now demanded a ban on the popular reality show MTV Splitsvilla, accusing the showmakers of eroding culture and promotiing “short skirts, strapy dress and bikinis”.

In a statement issued here Monday, the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) said that the show “erodes culture and morality of the Indian youth” and even demanded censorship for TV shows.

Taking objection to a Goan model Scarlett Rose’s comments on the concept of freedom on the show, HJS spokesperson Ramesh Shinde said: “Her concept of freedom is to be allowed to wear short skirts, strapy dress and bikinis. This mindset is western and has no place in our Indian culture and society”.

“This is a social and a national issue which needs to be taken seriously and tackled. Our country is plagued with the problems of rape and sexual harassment of women and such programmes add fuel to fire,” the statement further says.

The HJS had last month launched protests against the movie Singham Returns, forcing the promoters of the film to delete certain scenes from the movie which allegedly denigrated Hindu deities.

Popular with the young, MTV Splitsvilla is in its seventh season this year.

Source: First Post