Mangalore: Congress should not take Hindus for granted:Dr. Pravin Togadia

Mangalore, Jan 8: “By taking over the management of some of the temples, the government is discriminating against the Hindus. All the temples and Maths managed by the government must be relieved from its control. If the government does not stop taking over the temples, we will protest strongly not only in Karnataka but throughout the country. We will not tolerate any interference of secular government in our religious matters,” said Pravin Togadia, president of Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) during a press meet on Wednesday, January 8 at Sanghaniketan hall here.

Criticizing the proposed Anti-Supersition Bill, he said, “Through Anti-Superstition Bill, the government is targeting Hindus. It does not have the courage to target the Muslims and the Christians.

“It may right for BJP to fight Congress or Congress to fight BJP. But, if Congress fights against the Hindus in the name of BJP, there will be backlash. The Congress has wiped out many Hindus in Uttar Pradesh, and is not taking any responsibility. I advise Congress leadership to not be ant-Hindu. What Congress is doing in Karnataka is anti-Hindu. It is thus inviting strong political backlash that will cost Congress heavily. The central and state Congress must rethink their government’s behavior against Hindus, and if they do not, we are here to protect and lead Hindus and defeat all anti-Hindu forces in a democratic way. Congress should not take Hindus for granted and not persecute Hindus politically.”

Reiterating his demand for barring evangelist Benny Hinn from visiting Bangalore, he said, “Benny Hinn’s visit to state should not be permitted. He must be banned from stepping into our country. Congress is bringing him to convert our Hindus.”

He further said, “Vishwa Hindu Parishad will be completing 50 years during next Janmashtami and we are planning to extend educational help and give job opportunities to Hindus. We expect our men to support this cause. Vishwa Hindu Parishad requires respect, standard, support and much more as the prime minister gets. Last year more than 95 lac Muslim and Christian youths got job opportunities from the government. All these opportunities must be given to the Hindus.”

“Congress government must stop slaughtering of cows and also stop conversion of Hindus to other religions,” he added.

Commenting on the recent Deralakatte forced sex incident, he said that the Congress government has ‘not imposed any section on the criminals as it is protecting the Muslims’ .

Jagadish Shenava, district working president, VHP, Bajrang Dal leader, Sharan Pumpwell, T A P Shenoy, Pranth, secretary, VHP and others were also present.

Earlier Report

Udupi: Govt should not permit Benny Hinn’s visit to state – Pravin Togadia

Pics: Umesh Marpalli
Daijiworld Media Network – Udupi (EP)

Udupi, Jan 8: Vishwa Hindu Parishat (VHP) president Pravin Togadia on Wednesday January 8 said that the government should not permit evangelist Benny Hinn to enter the state. Alleging that Benny Hinn was coming to the state for conversion, he said it was against the Constitution.

Togadia who spoke to the media after meeting Sri Vishweshatirtha Swamiji for about twenty minutes at Pejawar Math, said that the VHP was opposed to the arrival of Benny Hinn under the democratic setup and urged the government to ban his entry.

Togadia said that as per the inquiry commissions set up by different state and central governments, Muslims were responsible for incidents of violence in Muzaffarnagar, Godhra and other parts of the country.

Pejawar Swamiji who spoke on the occasion said, “Benny Hinn is coming to spread superstition.  While the government on one hand is trying to ban superstition, it is welcoming Benny Hinn. There is no meaning to his arrival.”

During their meeting, Pejawar Swamiji and Togadia discussed various issues related to cow slaughter, setting up of ‘go shala’ in the district and the need to create awareness on the issue. Pejawar Swamiji is also understood to have asked Togadia whether Aam Aadmi Party has adversely impacted BJP, to which Togadia reportedly replied in the negative.

Togadia is in the district to attend a programme. He will later visit Mangalore and address a press meet.

Source: Daijiworld