Lodge complaint with Pollution Control Boards and close down slaughter-houses – Hindu Swabhiman Pratishthan

Fight is given with unity when there is revolution and now is the time to give such fight with unity. Closure of cow-slaughters is the simple solution for stopping cow-slaughter. None of the slaughter-houses have all necessary permissions required from Pollution Control Board; therefore, under RTI, information can be collected to check if all required permissions are there with slaughter-houses and shortcomings, if any, may be brought to the notice of Pollution Control Board so that the Board will close down such slaughter-house and we have to do nothing. We should learn how to defeat an enemy using minimum strength.
If Hindus help to look after cows and for their protection, ‘Gou-vansh’ can be saved !

Source: Hindu Janajagruti Samiti