Land Jihad IN Bardhaman, W. Bengal : Dr. R N Das

location-of-west-bengalYesterday I went to a remote village of Bardhaman dist. to see one instance of Land Jihad. The Hindus of Kuljora village under Monteswar block called me to their village to guide them how they can protect their village land which is used as their boys’ play ground and cattle gazing field since 100 years.

Total area of the land is 8.48 acres. The whole land is owned by 4 Hindus whose families now live elsewhere. Of the whole land, BLRO documents are showing 2.75 acres of land as vested land, and 3.56 acres is described as Muslim Kabristhan, although owners are those 4 Hindus. Rest of the land is duly recorded in the name of the Hindus. On the field, there is no demarcation of the plots. However, in the West side of the land, Muslims use a part as their Kabristhan/Graveyard. In the East side of the land, Panchayat planted a few hundred trees about 10 years ago. On the rest of the land, village boys play football, cricket, etc. and village cattle gaze there.

On 29.05.14, suddenly some Muslims started to construct concrete pillars and a dom-type structure on that playground. They claims that the whole land is theirs and they are converting it into an Eidgah. When the Hindu villagers tried to intervene, they were threatened by the Muslims. Hindus are scared. They are exploring options how they can protect this land peacefully.

I went to the village yesterday and visited the ground. I saw all the papers. The Hindu villagers already submitted a mass petition to the BLRO, Monteswar. I advised them how to proceed and assured them all help.

Source: WHN Publisher via Dr. R N Das

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