IS claims responsibility for killing Hindu priest!

ISIS_TRAIL_OF_TERROR_16x9_992A veteran Hindu priest was hacked to death in Jhenidah Sadar this morning in a manner similar to previous suspected militant killings. Islamic State reportedly claimed responsibility of the murder.
US-based SITE Intelligence Group quoted ‘Amaq agency’ to report that Islamic State has claimed responsibility of the murder.
Earlier on Tuesday, Anando Gopal Ganguly, 70, a local Hindu priest of a Hindu-dominated area in Jhenaidah was hacked to death around 9:30 am.
Locals said three assailants, riding a motorbike, intervened the veteran priest near Sonakhali canal.
Hours after the murder, US-based SITE Intelligence Group quoted Amaq to report that Islamic State claimed responsibility of the murder of the Hindu priest.

Source: bd24live