Introducing Yoga at Minnesota: Hindus praise the practice in the State Fair

  • The Fair is one of the largest expositions in the world, first held in 1859, and has initiated the “Great Yoga Get-Together at Carousel Park”
  • Zed, President of the Universal Society of Hinduism, has also called yoga “a living fossil” in a statement in Nevada and said that it is a discipline, both mental and physical, for everyone to share
  • Yoga has been scientifically proven to be relaxing and a stress-eliminator. It also aids in gaining flexibility, improved posture, and better breathing

Hindus in Nevada have praised the Minnesota State Fair for introducing yoga on August 25, in 2016 event. The Fair is one of the largest expositions in the world, first held in 1859, and has initiated the “Great Yoga Get-Together at Carousel Park”.

The demonstration will encourage the attendees of the fair to “stop by to try different styles of yoga” with skilled instructors in a plethora of classes. It will also include activities, prize drawings, and even information about the benefits of yoga.

According to, Hindu statesman, Rajan Zed, has commended the act and said it is a “step towards positive direction”. He also questioned the delay in appreciating the many benefits yoga offers and encouraged all US state fairs to launch similar practices. He said, it will be a movement towards the positive and provide all the fair attendees to discover and incorporate “the unique treasure” into their lives.

Crowd at Minnesota State Fair 2012. Image source: By Anndelion on Wikimedia Commons
The crowd at Minnesota State Fair 2010. Image source: By Anndelion on Wikimedia Commons

Zed, President of the Universal Society of Hinduism also called yoga “a living fossil” in a statement in Nevada and said that it is a discipline, both mental and physical, for everyone to share. It was, he said, introduced and developed by Hinduism, but is now a heritage for everybody and a “liberation powerhouse to be utilized by all”.

Yoga has been scientifically proven to be relaxing and a eliminate stress. It also aids in gaining flexibility, improved posture, and better breathing. A 2016 Yoga in America Study has stated that practicing yoga also improves self-image. It also indicated how popular yoga is becoming amongst Americans with 37 million people and celebrities having taken it up already, mentioned

The American Osteopathic Association has also listed the other used as: increased muscle strength and tone, improved energy and vitality, maintaining a balanced metabolism, weight reduction, cardio and circulatory health, improved athletic performance, and protection from injury. It also states how yoga relieves stress, and in turn relieves the various physical effects stress can have on the body, for instance, back and neck pain, sleeping problems, headaches, drug abuse, and an inability to concentrate.

Dr. Natalie Nevins, DO, a board-certified osteopathic family physician as well as a certified Kundalini Yoga instructor in Hollywood, has said, “Yoga can be very effective in developing coping skills and reaching a more positive outlook on life. Whether you’re a couch potato or a professional athlete, size and fitness levels do not matter because there are modifications for every yoga pose and beginner classes in every style. The idea is to explore your limits, not strive for some pretzel-like perfection. It is a great way to get in tune with your body and your inner self.”
