The 1st International Yoga Day was celebrated on June 21st at Hindu Temple in Casselberry, FL. With the help of volunteers and yoga enthusiasts, the event was a success. A large number of Yoga masters from Central Florida presented various yogasana routines. It was a day long event packed with presentations and demonstrations.
Opening prayers were offered by Dr. Shailaja Nadkarni ji. Mr. Braham Aggarwal (Chairman, Hindu University of America) welcomed and addressed the gathering.
Eminent personality of Orlando, Hon. Mr. Rick Singh (Orange County Property Appraiser) presented the proclamation signed by the Orlando Mayor, Hon. Buddy Dyer, declaring June 21st as the Yoga Day in Orlando.
An exhibition on Swami Vivekananda ji, the first Yoga master who visited America, was displayed.
Hindu Swyamsevak Sangh brought over 50 volunteers who provided and helped set up the display of vivekanada all over the lobby. HSS also had a table where volunteers sat all day and helped with registration of event of over 400 attendees. HSS volunteers were an integral part of this event. Mehul Parekh, Prakhar Aggraval of HSS also helped with the stage set up, the large projector and the electronic system including and microphones etc for the event. Prakhar and Viren of HSS also started the event with the 1/2 hour of opening yoga practice.
Source: WHN Media Network