Sankaranarayanan, a Railway Station Master, retires in 1964 after serving for 35 years. As a pensioner, he receives railway pension for the next 35 years. By that time, he had found no use for the pension amount since his son Narayanan an Engineer took due care of his father. The pension amount thus saved grew into a tidy sum. One day just before his demise, the father instructed his son to see that the amount is used for the benefit of the needy. Promptly Narayanan, with the help of his younger brotherMahadevan, a swayamsevak, created an endowment in the name of his father and mother, ‘Madhava Seva Samiti’ of Chennai enabled the disbursement of interest amount to children of poor parents who scored well in the VII standard final exam. An annual disbursement function is held in Chennai Sangh Karyalaya every year for the past more than 10 years. This kind of a family caring for the needy in the society picked up momentum over the years. Family of Viswanathan, a senior karyakartha of yesteryears instituted another similar corpus to help poor college students. This was again followed by the family of Ganapathy, an elderly sympathizer of Sangh, which set up yet another corpus with similar objective with the help of ‘Samooga Seva Nidhi’.

This years’ disbursement function was held on 18th January, 2014. Vibhag Sanghachalak Sri Durai Shankar presided. 37 deserving students received financial help for education. Sri Narayanan was also present on the occasion. Sri Muthukrishnan, Chennai Vibhag Sampark Pramuk, spoke on the occasion. Referring to the words of Swami Vivekananda, he highlighted the students to focus on the service to mankind. The function, organized jointly by Jana Seva Trust and Madhava Seva Samiti, was attended by many more families which have a desire to help the poor.