Infant Jesus priests attend Ganesh festival

Priests and nuns at Sanghanikethana in Mangaluru on Tuesday. —PHOTO : H.S. MANJUNATH


Priests and nuns at Sanghanikethana in Mangaluru on Tuesday. —PHOTO : H.S. MANJUNATH

Three days after receiving personal invitation, priests of Infant Jesus Church and nuns of Santa Cruz Convent in Kulashekar attended Ganesh festival at Sanghaniketan, the local office of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), here on Tuesday.

A few representatives of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) on Saturday had invited Infant Jesus Church Director Elias D’Souza and other members of the church for the Sarvajanika Ganesh Utsav celebrations at the Sanghaniketana. The initiative was to create bonhomie between the two communities.

On Tuesday, as many as 10 persons, including priests and nuns, from the church came to the venue of the Ganesh Utsava. Apart from Mr. D’Souza, Deputy Director of Infant Jesus Church Prakash D’Cunha, Sister Florita from Santa Cruz convent in Kulashekar, Sister Gladias, C. Simpla and C. D’Souza were among those who visited the venue.

They offered fruits and a silk sari to the Lord Ganesha installed on the premises to mark the Ganesh Chaturthi celebration and shared food. RSS Zonal Convenor V.Nagaraj said it was to create a harmonious environment where communities take part in each other festivities. Inviting priests and nuns for the event in Sanghaniketan was a step in that direction, he said.

Source: The Hindu