Indian Mind Sciences Rajiv Malhotra and Dr Herbert Benson discuss the future of mind sciences and how it can form a major component of integrated healing in the future. The discussion starts with Dr Benson acknowledging Indian culture as the source of various meditation and yoga techniques. He then talks about the importance of repetition of certain sounds to break the chain of harmful thoughts and it’s usefulness in stress management. He envisions a future of ubiquitous healing where mind sciences techniques can be used in conjunction with modern medicine and surgery. Rajiv and Dr Benson also discuss the importance of education in dissemination to individuals as well as medical professionals of this scientifically proven age-old innate capacity of humans. Watch On YouTube: CLICK Please watch and post your comments. To donate to Infinity Foundation’s projects including the continuation of the research we do: DONATE Regards,Rajiv Facebook: @RajivMalhotra.Official Instagram: @InfinityFoundation.Official YouTube: RajivMalhotraOfficial Twitter: @RajivMessage |
Source: World Hindu Network