India observed Sourjya Divas (day of valour) on 6th Dec to mark the demolition of disputed Babri ‘Dhancha’

unnamedHENB | Kolkata | Dec 6, 2014:: Amidst some stray programmes observed by Anti-Hindu Secular and Leftist as ‘Kala Divas (black day)’, the whole country has observed 06 Dec 2014 as Sourjya Divas, the day of Hindu valour and pride. Those who are not enlightened with the Light and Teachings of Lord Rama, they will be always in darkness (kala diwas). Majority enlightened Indians are in mind that ‘Magnificent Sri Ram Temple at Ayodhya Ramjanmabhumi’ will be made as soon as possible. Making Ramjanmabhumi Temple in Ayodhya is now considered as the foundation stone of Hindu Rashtra in Bharat. Upananda Brahmachari, Editor of Hindu Existence Web Site also participated in one important programme of ‘Sourjya Divas’ at Thakurnagar, North 24 Parganas District. Brahmachari was the main speaker of the programme. West Bengal. The meeting was will attended and arranged by Gaighata Block (North 24 Dist) Committee of Hindu Jagaran Manch (HJM). Sri Dilip Ghosh, WB Unit Chief Organiser of HJM, other Hindutva activists like Sr. Advocate Ratneswar Sarkar, Advocate Tushar Tikadar, Dr Manaspati Dev were also present in the function and delivered their speech.

In his inspirational speech Upananda Brahmachari pointed out that:

unnamed (1)Hindus believing in Lord Rama have been fighting from the beginning to liberate Sri Ramajanmabhumi temple at Ayodhya, since 1528 AD, when it was converted as a so called Babri Mosque after the ancient Hindu temple was destroyed by Mir Banki, one commander of Babar.

Bharat Bhoomi is the land of Dharma and saturated with the mighty ideals of Lord Rama. Those who do not believe in the ideals of Lord Rama must be treated as the enemy of Bharatiya culture and tradition. The concept of best form of state is called and considered here as ‘Rama rajya’ and we must establish a Rama Rajya- Dharma Rajya- Hindu Rashtra here.

Sourjya Divas, Thakur NagarIn democracy, the majority opinions are treated as first considerable and most valuable. So majority demand for Sri Ramahanmabhumi temple at Ayodhya must not be ignored by the present Narendra Modi (BJP) Govt in the centre. The Ram Janmabhoomi temple at Ayodhya must be built under Govt initiative as the first Cong Govt in India established the destroyed Somnath Temple in Gujrat.

In Bharat everybody must respect the Motherland with pronouncing Vande Matarm and accept the legendaries of Rama and Krishna along-with maintaining their own practice of religion and ritual.

Hindus voted for Narendra Modi and BJP with a profound belief that Modi is a Hindu Nationalist and he will make Sri Ramajanmabhumi Temple at his earliest convenience. Hindus also voted Modi to stop cow slaughter, illegal Muslim infiltrators, give citizenship rights to Banagladeshi Hindu refugees and stop conversion. Now, Modi has to perform his duties for the fulfilment of the demands of Hindu, who voted for Modi in high turn.

unnamed (2)Sri Brahmachari said, Hindus never attacked anybody in any religious point of view as they give respect for all. So, the non Hindus of India must give the same reverence to Hindus and must pay heed to the Hindus sentiments and demands.

Bhramachari expressed his concern about the atrocities upon minority Hindu in neighbouring countries in Pakistan and Bangladesh and demanded immediate re-establishment of Hindu Rashtra in Nepal.

Brahmachari aspires that we may reach Ayodhya on next 6th December (2015) to pray to Lord Rama in the newly built Sri Ramjanmabhoomi temple in Ayodhya along-with Prime minister of India to observe a fascinating Victry Day celebration. He considers that fulfilment of the construction of Ramjanmabhumi Temple in Ayodhya is now considered as the foundation stone of making Hindu Rashtra in Bharat.

Source: WHN Media Network