HSS – Houston Surya Namaskar Yajna



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As all of you may be aware of, Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh USA (HSS) is conducting the tenth annual “Yoga for Health, Health for Humanity Yogathon” or “Surya Namaskar Yajna”. The 16-day event aims to create awareness about Yoga and its advantages in achieving a healthy body, mind and spirit. Surya Namaskar integrates simple Yoga postures in 10-steps that, along with easy breathing technique, can provide immense health benefits to both the body and the mind.

As a part of SNY, we are conducting following activities and request all of you with family and friends for active participation:

1) Adhiktam Upasthiti Diwas: Your Shakha Karyavah and team will provide more information on date. This is Shakha level activity and please plan to attend your Shakha with at least one new family / friend on this day.

2) Yogathon at Sugar Land Town Square: We are doing culminating event at Sugar Land Town Square on Jan 29 from 10:00 am to 11.15 am. This is Vibhag level activity. This Yogathon is also open to public including mainstream community. This is free event . Please register by clicking the following link and participate in this unique yogathon. Detailed flier for this Yogathon is attached.
https://goo.gl/forms/ HIoy4aAZSf0oZFid2

3) Please install “Surya Namaskar YaJna” app on your android/ios and start recording your daily count of Surya Namaskar counts right away.
Please circulate attached flier to all your friends and personally call and encourage them to attend SNY Yogathon on Jan 29, 2016 at SLTS.

Looking forward to your active participation in all of the above activities.
Thanks and regards,
HSS Houston SNY Team

Source: World Hindu News (WHN)