Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi had a private audience with His Holiness Swami Satyamitranand Giriji Maharaj, former Jagatguru Sankaracharya (Highest Order in the Hindu Prelacy), to seek his blessings minutes prior to taking office as the newly elected Prime Minister of India.
The Prime Minister had said that after his inauguration but before taking office, it was his greatest wish to first seek the blessings of Swami Satyamitranand Giriji as he had previously done in 2007, when taking charge of his former post as the 14th Chief Minister of Gujarat.
After some general discussions, Swamiji blessed Prime Minister Narendra Modi and presented him with a Rudraksh rosary and an image of Sri Rama, one of the most widely worshipped Hindu Deities and wished him success in his governance of India.
Source: Narendra Pandya via. WHN Publisher E-mail