July 19, 2015
Mananiya Shri Amit Shah
President, Bharatiya Janata Party
New Delhi, India
Please honor people’s mandate to keep Nepal the only Hindu Rastra!
Dear Honorable Sir,
Sadar Namaste!
Please allow me to bring to your attention the draft constitution process in Nepal, especially on the issue of the ‘Hindu Rastra.’ Please do contact the ‘Indian Embassy’ in Kathmandu to get the facts. Nepalese leaders, even Maoists, do listen to Indian leaders.
1. Pushpa Dahal ‘Prachanda’, Maoists, calls on PM Modi, Yahoo News, July 17, 2015
India should tell Nepalese leaders, in no uncertain terms, especially on the issue of Hindu rastra, to abide by the wishes of Nepalese people, and disfranchising people will not be tolerated.
Nepalese Constituent Assembly recently issued the Draft Constitution and invited public comments and opinions. As it stands, over whelming majority has opined to keep Nepal the Hindu rastra.
2. People’s opinion: Want Hindu rastra, no to federal states
मस्यौदामा सुझावको ओइरो : ‘संघीयता खारेज हुनुपर्यो, हिन्दू राष्ट्र चाहियो’
Ujyaalo Online, July 18, 2015, http://ujyaaloonline.com/news/46223/masyauda/
However, there is the conspiracy to blatantly ignore the majority public opinion, by:
A. prohibiting the discussion of Hindu rastra issue in the Constituent Assembly,
B. prohibiting the public discussion of the issue and make it fait accompli,
C. not publishing the majority opinion posted with the Draft Constitution Commission, &
D. limiting the period of public comments only to 2 weeks.
The genesis of the problem: Nepal always has been a proud Hindu rastra. Our sense of Hindu rastra is not theocracy, but pride in our heritage. Nepal always has been tolerant to all religions. The religious freedom always has been the integral part of our society and the constitution. For example, Nepalese Muslims makes only about 4%, yet ‘Id’ is a national holiday and Muslims get government subsidy for pilgrimage to Mecca. However, we do not tolerate religious interference in our politics. Accordingly, King Prithvi Narayan Shah did not tolerate Churches meddling with politics and asked Italian Capuchin monks to leave Nepal in 1769. That is about two and half centuries ago. It is not across the board, Christian schools like St. Xavier or St, Mary are allowed. Yet Nepal, the only Hindu rastra, and the Shah dynasty became the target of Churches. Basically, Churches find Nepalese system not conducive for free political and conversion activities.
Beginning in 1996, we had the major Maoists insurgency against democracy and democratically elected government to impose Communism. The naked dance of Maoist terror killed over 17,000 Nepalese and destroyed precious national infrastructures. These Maoists, led by Pushpa Dahal ‘Prachanda’, are aided by Euro-Churches to facilitate conversions. Unfortunately, the ‘Indian National Congress’ and the ‘Indian Communist Party’ are also partly accomplishes to it. The democratic parties of Nepal like ‘Nepali Congress’ are brow beaten by shear Maoist terror and external forces. Accordingly, in 2007, all of sudden Nepal was declared ‘Secular’ and the ‘Constitutional monarchy’ was abolished. Whole nation went in to shock. There is no mandate for it, and it is Treason against the nation. The constituent assembly, as per the Maoists terror and foreign intervention, would not even allow discussing these important issues. However, proud Nepalese slowly began opposing the Maoists terror and defeated them in the election of 2013.
Today, overwhelming Nepalese are opining for Hindu rastra in this public opinion collection. We expect, honorable friend India to stand by us, declare clearly that India will honor Nepalese wishes and will not tolerate disfranchising the people. Thank you very much.
Most sincerely,
Tilak B. Shrestha, Ph.D.
E-mail: <TilakBS@hotmail.com>
Alabama, USA
References for detail attached:
1. Letter to Mananiya Shree Narendra Modi and Mananiya Shrimati Sushma Swaraj
2. Referendum and Constitution
3. Letter to Honorable British Ambassador Mr. Andy Sparkes
4. Priti’s Master – Church aggression in Nepal
5. Nepal – Struggles with Christian Conversions, by Jayant Chowdhury
SWARAJYA, Dec. 28, 2014
Source: WHN Media Network