Wow! What a smashing victory! Congratulations Narendrabhai and the BJP for your astonishing victory!
Narendra Modi and BJP’s sweeping electoral victory in the 2014 Lok Sabha Elections is the history in the making. It is indeed a major paradigm shift in the Indian democracy. It was not a Modi-Wave. It was a Modi-Tsunami. In last 30 years, no party has won a clear majority like what BJP has done this time. Since India’s independence, this is the first time that the party other than Congress has won a majority vanquishing all other parties including the Congress even in their own turf such as U.P.
Friends, Indian politics will never be the same again. More than anybody, Mr. Modi has shown it to rest of India and the world about what stuff he is made of. Since the declaration of Mr. Modi as their Prime ministerial candidate by BJP last September, 2013, Mr. Modi has traveled more than 300,000 kilometers, held 437 major rallies—attended by hundreds of thousands of people in each one—held 5827 public evens such as Chai Pe Charcha and campaigned in 25 out of 30 states…non-stop! What a tireless man of strong will. What a fiery and witty speaker. He connected with every one…rich, poor, farmers, young people, high-tech-educated students, adivasis, women, factory workers, businessmen and industrialists. He talked to each group in the language that they could understand and identify with. In his marathon campaign, he touched every one’s heart, mind and soul. No one on Indian political landscape could match his capability. What a clever use of latest broadcast media by the Modi Team! Each of his rally and speech was broadcast live on YouTube and also on radio.
An ordinary man will show fatigue and will get tired mentally or physically but not Narendrabhai. In every rally—four per day—he looked as fresh and witty as a young man of 35 years. He is a disciple of Swami Vivekananda. Amazingly, he possesses the honesty and determination of Gandhiji, iron will and fearlessness of Sardar Patel. All this accompanied with his charm, charisma and humility! My wife and I met him last December at his residence in Gandhinagar and experienced it first hand.
Looking at his hundreds of speeches, every one saw his love for the country, his compassion for India’s poor millions, his fearlessness, and his solemn sincerity.
This man Modi was unstoppable for ordinary and crooked mortals of Congress and rest of the jokers of other regional parties. Sonia-Rahul run Congress tried to pin Modi down and put him in jail for last several years but couldn’t touch him. Even after the highest court absolved him of any wrong doing in the unfortunate 2002 riots, for the last time they tried to try him again by appointing a Commission of Inquiry but no judge was ready to take the case.
As it is said in Hindu philosophy, “Satya Meva Jayate” or “The Truth Prevails”, Mr. Modi had truth on his side. He didn’t need any other help.
With this stunning victory by Modi-led BJP, a major shift has taken place in Indian political landscape. Gone are the days of Gandhi-dynasty-led Congress dominance in the country. They have been given a fatal blow and have been turned into a minority party. They may never recover from this blow; one hopes.
Corrupt to the core, this party has been run like a family run business empire exploiting the country of 1.2 billion people. Sonia-Rahul pair have been running the country with British tactic of divide and rule, employing vote-bank politics serving the minority, playing Muslims and Christians against Hindus while neglecting the majority of India’s population. Ever since 1966, Indira-Rajiv-Sonia-Rahul dynasty have been capitalizing on Gandhi (Mahatma)-Nehru’s name and their tremendous sacrifice for the country in the freedom movement. But what are Rajiv-Sonia-Rahul-Priyanka’s achievements? What have they done for the country? They are simply capitalizing on Nehru’s name. Even Indira Gandhi resorted to most corrupt practice politicizing the criminals and criminalizing the politics. Except for the creation of Bangladesh and taking away the privy-purses of the kings, Indira Gandhi has nothing much to show for in her 17 year-long rule.
There is always a fire whenever there is smoke. Why was there talk about Indira Gandhi’s corruption, or Rajiv’s Bofors case? Soniaji and Rahul are marinated deeply in corruption. Soniaji has amassed billions of dollars in foreign banks. Just ask maverick Dr. Subramaniam Swami who has made his business to track corrupt politicians. Priyanka’s husband Robert Vadra has made hundreds of crores of rupees in dubious real estate deals with the help of mother-in-law’s government. Not bad for a tenth grade high school graduate! A clear case of “from rags to riches”!
Is this the beginning of the end of Congress? One hopes so and it is likely. It is quite possible that it is at least the end of Indira-dynasty-Congress. Unless Congress gets rid of this dynasty, there is no hope for this redundant corrupt party teeming with hundreds of corrupt sycophants. Modi has done a tremendous job pointing out the corrupt and nefarious ways they have run the party and the country ever since independence but especially since last ten years harming the nation of 1.2 billion. People of India have started realizing this during this marathon election campaign. During this campaign, he has exposed so eloquently this “Ma Beteki Sarkar” (Mother and Son’s Government) as he would say it.
Unfortunately, Soniaji and Rahul will never give up their hold on the Congress,willingly. Even Priyanka will jump in if necessary to preserve their grip on the party. Only those who are in the party and realize this and have some guts can do it. If they can’t get rid of this octopus-grip of Nehru-Gandhi family, then Mr. Modi and BJP will have to do it for the country in the next election and that could turn into the dissolution of the party or it could become a small party of little consequence. Anyway, the handwritings are on the wall. As they say,”You cannot fool people all the time”.
Coming back to this election, it has been a historical one and will go down in history as the greatest show on earth on democracy. Needless to say, the crowned king of this historic election was the Chaiwala from Vadnagar, Shri Narendrabhai Modi.
Hats off to you Narendrabhai…a job well done!
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