Hindus stand firm on Cow vigilantism. Bajrang Dal advances in Uttar Pradesh

Cow Protection

Hindus stand firm on Cow vigilantism defying MHA circular.

Bajrang Dal activists thrash four persons suspecting ‘cow thieves’ in UP.

Mitra Tripathi | HENB  | Aligarh | Aug 10, 2016:: The deliberate effort of PM Modi and MHA circulars to the states to cow vigilantism have created a very little effect on the row. Various Hindu groups engaged in Cow Protection rather stand firm Cow vigilantism. Now, another incident of cow vigilantism comes to light where Bajrang Dal activists allegedly thrashed four persons whom they suspected of being “cow thieves” near Jiroli village on the outskirts of the city.

The incident occurred when ‘gau rakshaks’ led by Bajrang Dal district pramukh (president) Kedar Singh tried to intercept a matador carrying a cow calf and a female buffalo but the driver refused to stop, as reports flashed out.

The Bajrang Dal activists raised an alarm and a road block was laid by other members of the group at a short distance ahead. Seeing the road block, the four persons who were in the matador jumped out and tried to escape, they added. However, they were nabbed and beaten up by the crowd which had gathered on the spot before being handed over to the police along with their vehicle.

The Bajrang Dal activists alleged that the behaviour of the four persons had been “suspicious” and accused them of being cattle thieves. According to police, the four apprehended persons are being interrogated. While the buffalo was seized by the police, the cow calf was taken by the villagers for rearing it.

The incident came as the Home Ministry issued an advisory last evening asking all states not to tolerate anyone taking law into their hands in the name of protecting cow and take prompt action against such offenders.

The advisory came two days after the Prime Minister Narendra Modi denounced cow vigilantes and asked people to beware of its ‘fake’ protectors trying to divide society and the country and asked the states to severely punish them.

‘गोहत्या मुक्त भारत’ अभियान …..

“गोहत्या भारतमे सबसे बड़ा पाप है और गोरक्षा ही मानव जीवन में सबसे बड़ा पुण्य है ।” ~ गोहुतात्मा करपात्री जी महाराज ।

क्या आप जानते है? भारतीय संविधानमे गोहत्या निषेध है……

अनुच्‍छेद 48. कृषि और पशुपालन का संगठन–राज्य, कृषि और पशुपालन को आधुनिक और वैज्ञानिक प्रणालियों से संगठित करने का प्रयास करेगा और विशिष्टतया गायों और बछड़ों तथा अन्य दुधारू और वाहक पशुओं की नस्लों के परिरक्षण और सुधार के लिए और उनके वध का प्रतिषेध करने के लिए कदम उठाएगा। ( भारतीय संविधान – भाग IV: राज्‍य की नीति के निर्देशक तत्‍व) ।

Art. 48 of Indian Constitution:  Organisation of agriculture and animal husbandry The State shall endeavour to organise agriculture and animal husbandry on modern and scientific lines and shall, in particular, take steps for preserving and improving the breeds, and prohibiting the slaughter, of cows and calves and other milch and draught cattle

माननीय मोदीजी से सर्टिफिकेट तो नहीं मिला सच्चा की समाज विरोधी गो-रक्षक हूँ, पर गौमाता से भक्ति है तो बिना कॊई हिचकिचाये सम्पर्क करें । कृपया इनबॉक्स में नाम और सम्पर्क नंबर/ईमेल दें । मैं आपसे संपर्क करूँगा । वन्दे गौमातरम । उपानन्द ब्रह्मचारी ।

Gohatya Mukt Bharat

Citing Section 39 of the CrPC, the MHA said it requires that any person aware of the commission of certain offences or intention needs to give information to the nearest magistrate or police officer of such commission or intention. And if an offence is committed, or is about to be committed, such an offence, or possibility of offence is required to be brought to the notice of the concerned police authorities or magistrate for appropriate action.

The MHA recently said some incidents had been reported where certain persons or groups took the law into their own hands in the name of protecting cows and have committed crimes in pursuance thereof.

The Ministry has asked the States to strictly deal with cow vigilante groups and ensure strictest punishment.

“Any person, or persons, doing so have to be dealt with strictly under the relevant laws and brought to justice in the quickest possible fashion, for the strictest punishment.”

“The States are, therefore, enjoined upon, and expected, to ensure that any person who takes law into his/her own hands is dealt with promptly, and punished as per law,” the Home Ministry advisory said.

With this circular, the major sections of cow vigilantes are loudly expressing their displeasure as PM Modi is taking a side of businessmen connected with illegal cow slaughter and dangerous cow trafficking connected with Jihad in India. They seek Modi’s intervention to settle a ‘cow policy’ for the development of Indian farmers, agriculture, health, nutrition and culture.

Most of the cow vigilantes in India take cow protection as their righteous duty to fight against the “Beef Jihad” and “Slaughter Jihad” only to hurt Hindu religious sentiment and for destroying the cultural values and the ultimate prosperity of Bharat.

Write on: Cow is not a matter of politics, but a ‘cow policy’ is essential for development. “गाय राजनीति का बिषय नहीं, पर गौनीति बिकाश के लिए बहुत जरुरी है”
५००-१००० शब्दमाला मे आपका बिचार अवश्य भेजें । Send your article within 500-1000 words.
भेजने का पता : upananda.br@gmail.com ।
अंतिम तिथि : २० अगस्त, २०१६ ।। Last date: 20 Aug, 2016. Best 100 opinions will be sent to PMO, MHA and Agri and Animal Resource Departments.


Interesting enough, the MHA circular has not stressed anything about any measure against the violent people running illegal slaughterhouses/points, committing public nuisance by brutal slaughtering of cow progeny or indulging in animal cruelty and the severe pollution in environment.


Source: https://hinduexistence.org/2016/08/10/hindus-stand-firm-on-cow-vigilantism-bajrang-dal-advances-in-uttar-pradesh/