Hindu’s Cham monuments, Vietnam’s New Tourism Attraction

vietnam_mapVIETNAM, December 27, 2014 (Vietnam Tourism): After 10 years of implementation with the help of UNESCO, University of Polytechnic of Milan (Italy) and the Vietnam Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sports, the Safeguarding My Son World Heritage Site Project was completed successfully in December 2013.

This US$1.6 million project, funded by the Italian Government, concentrated in restoration, conservation and protection of Hindu Cham monuments of 4th to 13th century My Son Sanctuary Site, including the G tower group, by using bricks produced in Quang Nam province which met the requirements of structure, color and baking method of the ancient Cham people for building and protecting their towers throughout Viet Nam in past centuries. Workshops were also conducted for the staff responsible for the site in conservation skill, maintenance and operation.

UNESCO representative Katherine Muller Marin said the My Son site promotes sustainable tourism development, museum space, capacity building and documentation of lessons learned for production of guidelines for archaeological studies and conservation of Cham monument complexes. 

Source: Hinduism Today