Hindus celebrates Lord Ganesha Birthday in Germany

HAMBURG,GERMANY September 16, 2013 (Abendlatt): The people in the Harburg suburb of Hamburg were treated on Friday night to an uncommon religious spectacle: 200 Indian men, women and children, along with some Germans, moving in procession through the Harburg Town Hall Square to celebrate the birthday of the Deity Ganesha. Men carried a 30-centimeter (one foot tall) statue of Ganesha on a colorfully decorated palanquin.


Almost all the participants were Indians who are employed by the Airbus aircraft plant in Finkenwerder. The celebration of the birthday of Ganesha, a form of the divine in Hinduism, is as significant to Hindus as is the celebration of Christmas for Christians. After the procession in Harburg, Ganesha was taken to the temple of the Afghan Hindu community in Rothenburgsort to continue the birthday celebration.

Source: HPI