Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement today, said that it was a step in the positive direction to reduce misunderstandings/misconceptions about Hinduism circulating especially in the western world.
Zed, who is president of Universal Society of Hinduism, urged education departments and boards of other US states also to take a deep look into their world history and religion curriculums and make revisions, if necessary, to present Hinduism accurately to the future generations. If they needed any expertise on Hinduism related issues, he or other Hindu scholars would gladly provide the resources, Zed added.Rajan Zed thanked the Hindu volunteers who spoke in the Virginia Board of Education meetings about Hinduism over the years and many others who supported in various forms in this effort to bring change.
Virginia enrolls over 1.2 million students in its public schools and recently scored third-highest in percentage of public high school seniors qualifying for college credit on Advanced Placement examinations. Steven R. Staples is Superintendent of Public Instruction while Christian N. Braunlich is Board President.
Hinduism, oldest and third largest religion of the world, has about one billion adherents, and moksh (liberation) is its ultimate goal. There are about three million Hindus in USA.