Hinduism—not just a religion

In his book titled Comparative Religion  author KN Tiwarie writes: “Hinduism can more be regarded as a spontaneous growth, assisted at various stages of civilisation from various sides rather than a creation or construction of somebody.” “Sir Charles Elliot also commented in this connection: “Hinduism has not been made but has grown. It is a jungle, not a building.’”

Another author, KM Sen,  in his book Hinduism, writes: “Hinduism is more like a tree that has grown gradually than like a building that has been erected by a great architect at some definite point in time. It contains within itself the influences of many cultures and the body of Hindu thought that offers as much variety itself.” Sen continues: “The names of a host of sages are of course associated with Hinduism, but none can claim to be its founder. They have all simply contributed to its growth in their own specific ways.”

And Sen makes the point that, “An enormous corpus of sacred literature is also associated with Hinduism. One can have an idea of its beliefs and practices, but none can claim exclusive authority.” One of the more important practices of Hinduism took place on Sunday, November 17, at various beaches across Trinidad. This Hindu event is called Kartik Snaan (sacred bath), which marks the culmination of almost 12 months of religious observances, with the Divali celebrations a few weeks ago as a highpoint.

Source: Guardian