Hindu University of America December 2014 Newsletter

Hindu University of America
A Unique Dimension of Hindu Thought & Traditions
Issue: #12 December 2014
Certified Hindu Chaplains
Sri Ramanujam
International Yoga Conference
ICCS Conference

The New Edition of Hindu Deities Book –
“Significance of Hindu Deities” an excellent booklet of 20 colorful pages is available in English & Hindi versions.
to see the PDF copy of the book

Temples, schools,

Bal-vihars, Bal-gokulams,

Churches and all are invited to contact HUA and get their copy for

$2.00 + shipping

For bulk order send an email to


Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to 
change the world
– Nelson Mandela

“Hindu Temples in North America – A Celebration of Life” 
 A beautiful book dedicated to all those who so valiantly left the shores of India to start a new life in a land that was foreign to them. All these magnificent temples stand as a monument to them.

The book is written by Mahalingum Kolapen. Photography by Sanjay Kolapen. It is a Hardback copy with Dust Jacket. Glossy finish. Photos on every page. 


Temples, schools,

Bal-vihars and


Churches and all are invited to contact HUA and get their copy for

$20 + Shipping

For bulk order send an email to



Happiness is not something ready made.  It comes from your own actions.
– Dalai Lama

Certified Volunteer Chaplains of the Hindu Faith 
You Can Become A Volunteer Hindu Chaplain. At Last, The Course Is Ready!  Are You?

Learn How To Serve In Temples, Medical, University And Other Chaplaincy Settings!


Hindu University of America, in conjunction with Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America, is pleased to present the first Training Course for American Hindu Leaders to become Certified Volunteer Chaplains of the Hindu Faith. The course will be presented at Satchidananda Ashram – Yogaville, in Buckingham, VA, Monday Jan 5, 2015 – Friday Jan 9, 2015.

Swami Sarvaananda, PhD, is one of the teachers of the chaplaincy course. She spent 15 years in medical and hospice chaplaincy. Currently on the Board of Trustees of Satchidananda Ashram 

Please Click Here for course details, schedule and accommodation. 

Sri Ramanujam Visit to HUA
Sri Ramanujam ji, disciple of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji visited HUA on Nov 6th, 2014 for a discussion on “Hinduism & Philosophy”. 
Sri Ramanujam ji is a professional public speaker and insightful spiritual instructor with a sound experience in discoursing philosophical, spiritual, devotional and personality-development aspects of human life.
Sri Ramanujam (Left) & Prof. Richard Grego (Right)
Sri Ramanujam (Left) Prof. Richard Grego (Right)
He speaks regularly on Indian television and has traveled throughout the world. He is adept in discoursing on Srimad Bhagavatam, Srimad Bhagwat Gita, the glory of the vedas, and the lives and workd of great saints. Even while expounding on the deep philosophies, Sri Ramanujam ji highlights their practical aspects and applicability to our current modern lifestyle. 

From the left – Mr. Abhinav Dwivedi, Vice President – HUA, Sri Ramanujam ji, Mr. Anand Jujare

International Yoga Conference
Hindu University of America, Paramanand University Trust and Paramanand Institute of Yoga Sciences & Research are jointly organizing the 3rd International Yoga Therapy Conference & Festival on February 7– 8, 2015 at Nehru Stadium, Indore, India.   A powerful opportunity for networking, facilitating evidence based findings on the path of yoga. Yogis from all around the world will participate and exchange their scientific findings and experiences in yoga. For information about the program agenda please click here.

ICCS Conference 2015

The World Council of Elders of the Ancient Traditions and Cultures (WCEATC), a forum of Elders under the auspices of ICCS (International Center for Cultural Studies, USA, Inc.) in collaboration with the European Congress of Ethnic Religions (ecer.org) and the National Council of Elders Mayas, Xinca and Garifuna of Guatemala and many other organizations, is organizing the 5th International Conference and Gathering of the Elders from 31st Jan to 5th Feb 2015 at Mysore, India. 


Website:  www.iccsus.org gives you more information on  ICCS activities.

Theme of the 5th International Conference is “Universal well-being – Sustaining Nature, Culture and Communities”. Visit at www.iccsglobal.org

Source: WHN Media Network