Hindu spiritual leader to address ferguson unrest

5447d53bb9dec.imageThe protests in Ferguson and beyond has attracted Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, a Hindu spiritual leader known for his work in conflict situations.

Sri Sri is scheduled to speak at the St. Charles Convention Center at 6:30 p.m. tonight.

Officials from Webster University, Washington University, Compassionate St. Louis, as well as civic and community leaders, are expected to attend.

Sri Sri has visited troubled territories in Pakistan and Iraq “to bring together hostile parties caught in the hardest conflicts,” according to a press release.

Tonight, Sri Sri will talk about the value of meditation in light of what’s happened in Ferguson, connecting the theme of inner peace to world peace.

The nonprofit organization he runs, The Art of Living Foundation, has already conducted several meditation sessions over the last two weekends in St. Louis.

Sri Sri intends to show “people to look beyond their color and religion,” and emphasize “that our biggest identity is that of a human.”

Source: stltoday.com