Hindu Report UK Consultation/Survey – ‘have your say’

Dear Friends, 

Take part in the first ever Hindu Report UK (2015) Questionnaire/Survey.        
“Be the change you wish to experience”
We urge you all to take part in the first ever Hindu Report UK Questionnaire/Survey. It will take no more than 10 minutes of your time to fill in. 
The Hindu Report UK (2015) is a first ever endeavour to present the views and thoughts of the Hindu Community on Hinduism in current times. It will be the first strategic document of its kind which will draw attention to the aspirations, needs and successes of the British Hindu community across a wide range of areas. The Report will offer government bodies, national institutions and other organisations with a vested interest in promoting integration across all levels of society an insight into the British Hindu community. In addition, the report will assist non-Hindu organisations in working with the current British Hindu population on collaborative projects and allowing them to utilise this information and use it to better understand and work with the Hindu community.  
Once the report has been compiled it will be published and shared with All Political Parties, MPs, Lords, Government Departments, Statutory Authorities, Policy Makers, Hindu Temples & Organisations and other Interfaith Bodies.  Within the next few months, the report will also form the basis of a ‘Hindu Debate’ at the UK Houses of Parliament where MPs and Policy-Makers will look at and debate the findings of the report and make stakeholders aware of the British Hindu contribution to the UK. 
The final report will be based on a balanced combination of both qualitative and quantitative data and it will be a poignant narration of the religious, socio-cultural, educational, political, legal, health and well-being of the British Hindu community. 
The United Kingdom has always embraced people with varying cultures, ethnicities and religions and it will continue in doing so. The final report will enlighten the policy makers about Hinduism and help them to comprehend the needs of the people who belong to this faith. 
The Hindu Community form approximately 1.5% of the total population living in the UK and they contribute immensely in various sectors of local and national forums. Today, there is a huge clamour worldwide to improve the quality of life among people and instil their lives with health and prosperity. Hinduism or Sanatan Dharma is the oldest known religion of this world and is one of the largest too. The people of this religious school have been very humble about their needs and their problems and have not much indulged in voicing their opinions loud. Thus, it is time they get a platform to raise their qualms and present their visions which not only is crucial to their well-being but also will eventually aid in the progress of the nation as a whole. 
The questionnaire/survey will not only help us to understand the needs and impacts of the Hindu community, but it will also feed into national data which can be used by various stakeholders in their policy decision-making. The report will further answer questions by focusing on what the various Stakeholders are doing to address the Hindu faith and how do these differ by geography or with other faiths and how well is the Hindu community working across secular/religious spheres and with other civil society organisations. 
It is an earnest request to all who wish to contribute in the welfare of Hindus and the United Kingdom to please fill in this questionnaire/survey and help us compile a report that is in the truest sense, a reflection of the British Hindu community. We assure everybody that your data is strictly anonymous, confidential and protected and the findings from the survey will be used responsibly for the welfare of the Hindu Community. 
This is YOUR opportunity to have your say and shape the future of our Hindu community in the UK.  Very often many from the Hindu community have said that they are not consulted adequately (as we saw with the Caste Legislation) – THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Dont miss out – Be part of the consultation !!!
Miss Sneha Roy, (studying Masters in Socio-cultural Anthropology at Durham University) is leading on this project and doing the research, consultation and finally compiling a totally independent report. Once the consultation period is finished she will produce the report from the findings, which will be officially endorsed by Durham University. 
The Hindu Report consists of 3 Phases: 
Phase 1: (face-2-face interviews) Over the last 3 months, Sneha Roy has been conducting face to face interviews with over 500 Hindus in the North, South, East and West regions of the UK. 
Phase 2 (online survey): Since the launch of the online version of the survey only 1 week ago, hundreds of Hindus in the UK have taken part and submitted their survey online. Endorsements have also been received from All the main Political Parties and Statutory Authorities who feel that the findings of the report will be a great help to policy makers in the UK. 
Phase 3: Will be the writing of the report from the findings and making a hard copy brochure and pdf version which will be circulated via email and social media. 
This is YOUR opportunity to have your say and shape the future of our Hindu community in the UK. Once you have taken part yourself, please share the survey widely to all on your network.
On behalf of the Hindu Report team we would like to thank you in advance for your valuable time in completing this Questionnaire/Survey 
– Miss Sneha Roy (studying Masters in Socio-cultural Anthropology at Durham University)
FACEBOOK: Hindu Report UK 
TWITTER: @hindureportuk
Source: WHN Media Network