Hindu patriotic org. Bajrang Dal shutdown in Assam over non Hindu communities reservations

Guwahati, Aug 27 (ANI): Hindu radical outfit, Bajrang Dal, called for a 12-hour shutdown in Guwahati today, following the recent ethnic clashes between Bodo tribals and Muslim settlers. The outfit accused the government of neglecting the Hindus and not paying heed to their problems. The activists demanded AUDF leader Ajmal___s arrest, apart from the sealing of the Assam-Bangladesh border and the updating of the National Register of Citizens, 1951. In recent years, Hindu and Christian tribes have vent strong anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim sentiment against settlers mostly from Bangladesh, which neighbours Assam. The Bodos have fought long for a separate homeland and after a 16-year armed struggle; they signed a 2003 peace accord with New Delhi, giving them autonomy over the four districts.

Source: The New Indian Express