Hindu outfit opposes Indian PM Narendra Modi’s visit to Sri Lanka next month

Apr 23, Chennai: A leader of a Hindu outfit in Chennai has opposed the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Sri Lanka next month to participate in the United Nations Vesak Celebrations which will be held in the country for the first time.

The leader of Hindu Makkal Katchi Arjun Sampath on Saturday has accused the Sri Lankan government of suppressing Hinduism and following a policy of Buddhist chauvinism and opposed the visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the island nation to take part in the Buddhist festival.

“From the times of twin epics Mahabharath and Ramayan, Tamil Eelam is the land of Lord Siva and a part of the expanded ‘Paripoorna Hindu Rashtra’. But, the entire island had been declared as a Buddhist state and the Hindus in the island who are the natives of Lanka had been massacred,” the Hindu party leader Arjun Sampath was quoted by Deccan Chronicle.

Prime Minister Modi has confirmed his participation in UN Vesak Day celebrations to be conducted in Sri Lanka and will inaugurate UN Vesak Day in Colombo on May 12.

Source: Colombopage.com