‘Hindu nation will begin with the rehabilitation of J&K Hindus’

5383516-word-cloud-concept-illustration-of-hinduism-religion-glowing-light-effectAccusing the Narendra Modi government of playing politics of appeasement in Jammu & Kashmir by joining hands with the Peoples’ Democratic Party, Rahul Kaul, National Coordinator of Youth for Panun Kashmir, on Tuesday said that the rehabilitation of Hindus in the State would be the beginning of establishing a Hindu nation.

He was addressing a press conference on the third day of the 5th Hindu convention at Ramnathi in Ponda, Central Goa. He had earlier made the statement in a session on ‘Insecure Hindus in various States’.

Reiterating his charge of minority appeasement, he alleged that the Bharatiya Janata Party’s “focus on Muslims continues” with an eye on the Uttar Pradesh elections.

“We did not leave Kashmir willingly, but were forced to by the terrorists,” said Mr. Kaul. He alleged that due to pressure from separatists, the Jammu & Kashmir government was hatching a conspiracy to oppose the rehabilitation of Kashmiri Hindus under the ‘Agenda of alliance’.

He said Hindus from across the country should mount collective pressure on the Central government so that displaced Kashmiri Hindus can lead an honourable life in Kashmir. For this purpose, his group had decided to organise conventions for Kashmiri Hindus at 19 places in India, he added.

“If the rehabilitation of Kashmiri Hindus is not done immediately, Hindus across the entire country will march towards Kashmir on January 19 next year, the date on which the displacement of Kashmiri Hindus began,” said Mr. Kaul.

On the issue of protection of cows, Hanumant Parab of Govansha Raksha Abhiyan, Goa, accused the BJP government in Goa of turning a blind eye to the issue with an eye on the forthcoming elections.

“The Goa government is playing vote-bank politics,” he said, and demanded the immediate implementation of the law banning cow slaughter all over India, including Goa.

Claiming that Hindus in Bangladesh were facing atrocities since the country’s formation and as a result, crores of Hindus were shifting to India, Subhash Chakravarti, Secretary of Nikhil Banga Nagarik Sangha, an organisation fighting against the problems faced by Hindus in Bangladesh, demanded that for these Hindus, the Indian government should form an independent homeland in Bangladesh.

Source: The Hindu