Hindu Mahasabha Of America ( HMSA) Condemn Hate Graffiti At Seattle Hindu Temple


Delaware, USA ( Feb 18, 2015): 

Hindu Mahasabha Of America ( HMSA) Condemn Hate Graffiti 
At Seattle Hindu Temple 
Hindu Mahasabha Of America ( HMSA) Condemn Hate Graffiti 
At Seattle Hindu Temple and expresses grave concern over rising ‘hate’ attacks on American Hindu temples. 
In past nine months, there has been an alarming increase in attacks on Hindu temples. In Monroe, Georgia a Hindu temple was vandalized three consecutive time. There were hate messages on another Hindu temple. Such attacks are a direct result of Anti Hindu philosophy propagated by far right groups. The general man is ignorant on Hinduism and this ignorance is being misused by few to 
engage them in violence against Hindu institutions.
Moreover the damaging work done by Hindu leftist a in the area of academia and literature is also one factor why some miscreants attack Hindu temples. The whole cycle is simple. Hindu Leftist intellectuals publish defamatory books on Hindu and Hinduism ( e.g. Hanuman as Monkey God etc. ). Such books are later absorbed by US States education board as reference books for school course. When such literature is being read and absorbed by school kids, many develop deep hate for Hindu traditions and view Hinduism as threat to civilized ‘scientific’ society. Later some school kids become rouge during adulthood and attack Hindu temples as they way of retaliation. 
It’s high time that Hindus in America alongside building Hindu temples also fund and support Hindu social and political organizations who are truly defending Hinduism in America. Such rouge elements dare not attack a Jewish Synagogue or Church as they very well know that  US media, US senators and Congressman will leave no stone unturned to punish culprits. Such close to heart is Jewish community to US media, US political groups. Jewish community worked hard for such place. Alongside making Synagogues they also created Jewish Americas social and political groups as they know that mere building places of worship won’t help community politically and socially. 
Unfortunately most Hindus groups in America are only having one view point – to build a temple. Even big business houses are not willing to fund social political organizations many times because of short sight and vision less wisdom in terms of community empowerment. 
HMSA requests US Federal and State govt. to direct state and local police agencies for more monitoring and analysis on fringe elements involved in attack on Hindu temples. HMSA also urges American Hindu society to support Hindu social and political organizations working for Hindu empowerment in America. 
Source: WHN Media Network
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