Hindu Mahasabha launches Nathuram Godse Website

Godse Websit launched

Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Mahasabha launches Godse website on Nathuram Godse’s Balidan Divas.

godse_site_2621418fHENB | Meerut | Nov 15, 2015:: Leaders of  Hindu Mahasabha launched a websitehttp://www.nathuramgodse.in atan event in Uttar Pradesh’s Meerut on Sunday to propagate Godse’s philospohy to assassin Gandhi. Hindu leaders from many outfits assembled to commemorate the death anniversary of Nathuram Godse who was hanged to death on November 15, 1949 for the charge of Gandhi’s assassination.

Akhil Bhartiya Hindu Mahasabha (ABHM) and its frontal organisation Vishwa Hindu Peeth also performed a yagna at the Mahasabha office at Sharda road on the occasion. ABHM’s national general secretary Munna Kumar Sharma, patron Ashok Sharma, Viswa Hindu Peeth’s national president Acharya Madanji, Nathuram Godse Brigade president Swami Omji, Mahasabha’s city president Bharat Rajput, district president Abhishek Aggarwal and other leaders and activists offered ‘ahuti’ in the yagna in the presence of police officials.

The IT cell of Vishwa Hindu Peeth designed the websitehttp://www.nathuramgodse.in , said Acharya Madanji, who launched the website. The main objective of the website is to make people aware about Godse and the facts behind assassination of Gandhi.

Read also:: Hindu Mahasabha Commemorates Godse’s Death Anniversary, RSS Disapproves: TNIE

“Godse was not a criminal”, said Ashok Sharma, emphasising that people must know his statement recorded in the court after his arrest on charges of assassinating Gandhi . “He sacrificed his life at the age of 39 and we call him a criminal. Who are opposing Godse, they are careless to reveal the Historical facts”, he said.

On January 30, 1948, Mahatma Gandhi fell to his assassin Nathuram Vinayak Godse’s bullets during an evening prayer ceremony at Birla House in Delhi. Perched atop a gate of Birla House, Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru announced to the world the “light has gone out of our lives”.

Eight men were convicted in the murder trial inside Red Fort by a special court, constituted by an order of the central government. Godse and co-conspirator Narayan Apte were hanged for the murder of the Father of the Nation on November 15, 1949.

“I do say that my shots were fired at the person whose policy and action had brought rack and ruin and destruction to millions of Hindus,” Godse, an active member of the RSS and the Hindu Mahasabha, had told the court during his trial.

“I bear no ill will towards anyone individually, but I do say that I had no respect for the present government owing to their policy, which was unfairly favourable towards the Muslims. But at the same time I could clearly see that the policy was entirely due to the presence of Gandhi,” he had said.

After paying tributes to Godse with the website launch, Mahasabha demanded to include “true facts” behind Gandhi’s assassination in the syllabus of schools. “It would help students understand the circumstances which lead to Gandhi’s assassination,” said Abhishek Aggarwal, Mahasbah’s city president.

Read also:: Congress Workers Burn Godse’s Effigy in Thane: TINE

One of the Hindu leaders present in the meeting said, “If one can take Gandhi a man of good principal, we can’t defy his personal belief. But, we hold that Gandhi was double standard and  very much dangerous to the Hindu interest. He was main perpetrator in the backdrop for the partition of India and it was not possible to tolerate Gandhi anymore. We, think Godse is a truly patriotic person who put a full stop at the line of Gandhi’s unbearable appeasement policy for Nehru and Muslims both”.

Mahasabha leaders had created hullabaloo in political circles last year in December for a foiled attempt to erect the first Nathuram Godse bust in the country at their office on Meerut’s Sharda Road. The place where the statue was to be erected was later sealed by the police to avoid any communal incident.

“We have also prepared a memorandum that will be set to the President of India via the district magistrate in which we demand that text books of students should include Nathuram Godse’s life history too. In the memorandum, we also demand that India be converted into a Hindu rashtra,” said Pandit Ashok Sharma, national vice-president, Hindu Mahasabha.

Though Hindu Mahasabha members had claimed that audio CDs of upcoming ‘Godse’ movie produced by one Santosh Rai, who is also a member of the party, will be distributed on November 15, it could not be done due to some technical fault in the CDs, which were returned.

__with input from Agencies. __Courtesy: TINE.

Source: Hindu Existence