Hindu Mahasabha Condemns attacks on Security Forces

Jammu, April 27, (Scoop News)-Seema Mahajan, State Women Wing President of Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha has condemned the brutal attacks on Security forces including the one on CRPF ROP at Sukna and today’s targeting of an Army Camp in Kupwara. She expressed deep condolences over large number of personnel having martyred their lives and solidarity with the families as well as the Units and Battalions to which these valiant soldiers belonged.
There is an urgent need to a unified and well planned action to fight back the nefarious designs of the enemy and undoubtedly a strong and infringed system of intelligence has to be in place to have anticipatory knowledge of the plans of Pak sponsored terrorists in Kashmir and Naxalites in the infected states. Jammu and Kashmir Police, which has been fighting militancy for long needs to be further equipped with latest gadgetry useful in undertaking an advance intelligence collection mechanism to thwart the evil designs of the anti-India forces. Most important factor remains a dovetail strategy and actions in unison to ensure that there is no infiltration and further free movement of militants in the hinterland.
Though the State Government has initiated measures to contain the uprising in the valley by stalling the misuse of social media, there has to be focus on confidence building, motivating youth to desist from activities like stone pelting and to bring them to the mainstream, which definitely is in the mind of the political hierarchy. She cautioned the Government that in view of the oncoming Shree Amarnath yatra and the possible Tourist season, all protective measures are warranted and any laxity can lead to grave problems to the already troubled state. She appealed the people of the State and the expected tourist as also the yatra stake holders to work jointly with the Government to see a smooth passage of the events ahead.

Source: scoopnews.in