‘Hindu-loyalist’ MLA Raja Singh Thakur receives threat from Islamic countries

1358687544_T Raja Singh_500Bhagyanagar (Andhra Pradesh) : BJP’s MP, elected from ‘Goshamahal’ and a ‘Hindu-loyalist’, Shri. Rajasingh Thakur has received threat to his life from Islamic countries like Pakistan and Dubai. Shri. Thakur has lodged a 
complaint with ‘Goshamahal’ police station in this connection. This information has been given by him through a press release; after which the Police Commissioner promised him to provide additional security. It has been stated in the press release that . . .

1. ‘Such threat was received by me through international calls and I have received 3 such calls.

2. On inquiry, it was observed that the calls were made from Pakistan and Dubai.

3. The person threatening him spoke faltering Hindi.

4. I feel that my mission of protection of cows/cattle carried on during Bakri Eid, must have led to such threat.

5. I care a damn about such threats and I shall now work for protection of cows with even more vigour.’

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat