Hindu Heritage Endowment News – HHE Newsletter January 2015

Planned Giving NewsletterJanuary 2015

Do you have questions about estate planning? Planned giving? Your will? Each month, we feature new articles and interactive features that cover these important but often neglected topics. We hope it will be a useful resource for you.

What Tax Changes Mean for You in 2015

More than 40 tax provisions will change because of inflation rates in 2015. Here is a brief summary of the changes and how they may affect you. More…

10 New Year’s Resolutions for Your Estate

A new year is here, which has many of us making resolutions to improve our overall health. Maintaining a healthy estate plan can help ensure the well-being of your loved ones. Consider setting these resolutions for your estate. More…

Is This Gift Right for You?

A charitable gift annuity works for Hindu Heritage Endowment supporters who would like to make a gift and receive steady payments in return. More…

Goals & Gifts

Whether you want to eliminate taxes or benefit from an increased income stream, there is a gift to fit every objective. And no matter how or what you give, rest assured that you will be helping a cause close to your heart. More…


Bharatiya Ekta Mandir of Arizona Endowment

This fund support the Bharatya Ekta Mandir of Arizona.




Planned Giving Guidance

Canadian law dictates a Will for those who have not left one.


Family Life at Udayan Care

This eight minute film introduces the Udayan Care ghars, homes for displaced children in India.


Estate Planning Toolkit

Download our toolkit to help with your estate and gift planning preparation. The Toolkit can help you save money in attorney’s fees.


Essentials of Financial & Estate Planning

In this animated short video we explain some basic essentials of financial & estate planning.


What is an Endowment?

This 101 second animated video explains the three types of endowments.


Source: Hindu Heritage Endowment