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Planned Giving NewsletterAugust 2014
Do you have questions about estate planning? Planned giving? Your will? Each month, we feature new articles and interactive features that cover these important but often neglected topics. We hope it will be a useful resource for you.
2014: The Year of the Charitable Remainder Trust
This year we have seen U.S. equity markets continue to reach all-time highs, and real estate values have improved in many parts of the country. More…
Can I Throw This Away? Expiration Date Tracker for Important Documents
Always shred documents to protect valuable information from identity theft—never just throw them away. More…
10 Things You Need in an Emergency
When extreme weather or an unexpected emergency comes knocking at your door, the last thing you want to do is spend precious time searching the house for important documents. Consider putting together an evacuation box today. More…
Truth or Consequences
Consider these estate planning truths:
- Estate planning is for everyone, regardless of age or assets.
- Estate plans aren’t for people getting ready to die—they’re for people with families and friends.
- Estate planning allows you to protect the people and causes you care about most, no matter what twists and turns happen in life.
More… |
Sri Ganesha Hindu Temple of Utah
Maintains the gardens and grounds of the current 5.3 acres, plus any future connected temple lands.
Planned Giving Guidance
Durable Power of Attorney: When You Do Need to Give Others Control of Your Property |
Estate Planning Toolkit
Download our toolkit to help with your estate and gift planning preparation. The Toolkit can help you save money in attorney’s fees. |
Essentials of Financial & Estate Planning
In this animated short video we explain some basic essentials of financial & estate planning. |
What is an Endowment?
This 101 second animated video explains the three types of endowments. |
Source: Hindu Heritage Endowment