Hindu Heritage Endowment News – April 2015 HHE Newsletter

Planned Giving Newsletter

April 2015

Do you have questions about estate planning? Planned giving? Your will? Each month, we feature new articles and interactive features. We also share news about the charitable endowments under the umbrella of Hindu Heritage Endowment.



The Hindu Education Endowment’s primary purpose is to help support USA-based Hindu institutes of education to preserve Hindu culture and values (fund #23)

Master the Art of Philanthropy

5 Ways to Make Your Gifts Go Further More…

Counting the Benefits of Giving Cash

When you make an outright contribution to Hindu Heritage Endowment—a donation you immediately impart—we both benefit. Your generosity enables us to meet our most urgent needs and carry out our mission on a daily basis. More…

Planning Today So You Can Give Later

Sometimes it’s difficult to be as charitable as you want to be when your budget is tight and the future is uncertain—after all, your family comes first. But by utilizing your long-term plans, you can make a gift to Hindu Heritage Endowment that will benefit our future without affecting your income today.More…

What Your IRA Can and Can’t Do

Want to get the most value from your nest egg, protect your heirs from heavy taxes and make your mark at our organization? Consider leaving a portion of your retirement plan assets to Hindu Heritage Endowment. More…


Hindu Education Fund

Supports USA-based Hindu educational institutions.




Planned Giving Guidance

Use care when selecting a trustee for a living trust. Otherwise, contention among family members may arise.


Family Life at Udayan Care

This eight minute film introduces the Udayan Care ghars, homes for displaced children in India.


Estate Planning Toolkit

Download our toolkit to help with your estate and gift planning preparation. The Toolkit can help you save money in attorney’s fees.


Essentials of Financial & Estate Planning

In this animated short video we explain some basic essentials of financial & estate planning.


What is an Endowment?

This 101 second animated video explains the three types of endowments.

Source: Hindu Heritage Endowment