Hindu Existence Newsletter – Vol. VI. No 11. Nov 2014 (Free PDF Download)


Posted by hinduexistence on November 27, 2014

‘Hindu monarchy and Hindu Rastra inseparable part of  Nepal’


·         World Hindu Congress 2014 concludes.

Posted by hinduexistence on November 24, 2014

World Hindu Congress concludes with acute formalities and without penetrating into the real sufferings of World Hindus.

·         Joint Effort for the re-establishment for Dharmik Hindu Rashtra in Bharat and Nepal is Highly Needed.

Posted by hinduexistence on November 17, 2014

Joint Effort for re-establish Hindu Rashtra in Bharat and Hindu Kingdom in Nepal is Highly Needed for the protection of Hindu and Budhha Dharma in this world.


·         Reality of Dalit-Muslim unity in India. Frequent Clash as Muslims malign Hindu Dailts.

Posted by hinduexistence on November 15, 2014

Dalit-Muslim clashes rattle western Uttar Pradesh again.

·         Pakistan Hindu council urges PM Sharif to prevent atrocities against minorities.

Posted by hinduexistence on November 14, 2014

Hindu council urges PM to prevent atrocities against minorities.

·         Durga Vahini: The Resurgent Hindu Women power growing in India to combat Jihad.

Posted by hinduexistence on November 13, 2014

From an Indian camp of Durga Vahini. Hindu Women Empowerment in India. 

·         ‘Kiss of Love’ programme opposed by RSS & Hindu Sena as it is designed to revive ‘Love Jihad’.

Posted by hinduexistence on November 9, 2014

‘Kiss of Love’ Crusaders roughed up by RSS and Hindu Sena men in Delhi. ‘Kiss of Love’ programme is designed to revival of ‘Love Jihad’ by suppressed SIMI and Ultra Leftist elements.  

·         Al Qaeda, ISIS, IM, Jihad, Taliban, Terrorism, all are different names of Islam. We have to check it.

Posted by hinduexistence on November 9, 2014

NIA Officials fear al Qaeda grooming Indian militants for big attacks. Indian Mujahideen is in close touch with al-Qaeda. New Indian Modules are preparing for Final Jihad in Al Qaeda Training Camps in Afghanistan and ISIS Training camps in Syria to attack India. 

·         Madras High Court restricted ‘lathi’ (sticks) in Tamil Nadu route march of RSS.

Posted by hinduexistence on November 8, 2014

What a justice in practice! RSS is not allowed to carry lathi in route march in Tamil Nadu. 

·         Nepal forward marching again towards a Hindu State.

Posted by hinduexistence on November 7, 2014

Why no Hindu Rashtra (country) for 1 Billion Hindus in the world?

‘Mega campaign’ for ‘Hindu Rashtra’ in Nepal launched.

·         Make Bengal Jihad Free State, Drive away Muslim infiltrators, Give Citizenship to Hindu Refugees: Dr. Togadia.

Posted by hinduexistence on November 6, 2014

Jihadi threats in West Bengal.

Madrasa Terrorism and  Bomb Blast.

Bangladeshi Muslim Infiltrators & Hindu Refugees. 

Bangladeshi Muslim infiltrators should be sent back, Bangladeshi Hindu refugees given citizenship: Dr. Praveen Togadia. 

·         International Response Needed: Pak Govt. Must Return Anjlee Meghwar To Her Home.

Posted by hinduexistence on November 5, 2014

Return of Rinkle Kumari.

Same Abduction. Conversion. forced Marriage. 

International Response Is Needed to stop Forceful Conversion and Marriage of Minority Hindu Girls by Bully Muslims in Pakistan. 

Pak Govt. Must Return Anjlee Meghwar to Her Home with Immediate Effect.

·         In Bawana, Hindu Mahapanchayat stopped Muharram Hooliganism in Hindu Areas.

Posted by hinduexistence on November 4, 2014

Hindu Mahapanchayat against Muharram Hooliganism in Hindu Areas. 

Bawana (outer Delhi) set an example to stop Islamic hooliganism and nuisance in Muharram procession through Hindu areas. 

·         Tapan Ghosh, President of Hindu Samhati and two of his associates arrested by West Bengal Police for a preventive measure in Muharram.

Posted by hinduexistence on November 3, 2014

Amidst Massive Hindu Protest, Tapan Ghosh and others are released now.

·         Hindus will be outrageous if you don’t stop Christian Conversion in Hindu Temples under TTD.

Posted by hinduexistence on November 2, 2014

Why ‘Communists and Atheists’ in in TTD? 

Stop Proselytizing in Hindu Temples under TTD.

‘Communists and Atheists’ in Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) Administration are allowing Christianity for Conversions in Hindu Temple complexes.

Posted by hinduexistence on November 1, 2014

Arrest Badaruddin Ajmal.


Stop Jihadi Terrorism in Madrasa.

70 Hindu activists of Bajrang Dal, Hindu Jagran Manch, ABVP and BJP arrested during Assam bandh in a protest against Jihadi Terrorism by AIDUF and to arrest Badaruddin Ajmal. 





Upananda Brahmachari,

Social and Political Analyst, 

Human Rights Interlocutor,

Activist against Cruelty upon Animal,   

Author & Expert in Dharma and Indian Affairs.

Editor: www.hinduexistence.org



Contact Upananda Brahmachari at upananda.br@gmail.com
hinduexistence@gmail.com  twitter a/c @upananda
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Source: WHN Media Network