Hindu devotees and people of other faiths celebrate Thaipusam

thaipusam-2015SINGAPORE, February 4, 2015 (Channel News Asia): The Hindu festival of Thaipusam in Singapore was not only observed by Hindus, but also people from other religions. Devotees started to gather at the Sri Srinivasa Perumal Temple at Serangoon Road from Monday night, with some of them bearing kavadis, while others carried milk pots. The devotees took part in the procession to the Sri Thendayuthapani Temple at Tank Road, about 4.5 kilometres away, by foot. This is a form of penance or thanksgiving to Lord Murugan.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Home Affairs Teo Chee Hean graced the event on Tuesday morning. He said festivals like Thaipusam reflect the mutual respect and understanding that the different races and religions have in Singapore.

“Thaipusam is deeply meaningful for the devotees and is a part of our multi-racial, multi-religious landscape in Singapore,” said Mr Teo. “I was told the first spike kavadi carrier was actually Chinese. It shows the mutual respect, mutual understanding that we have among all our races and religions in Singapore.”

Source: channelnewsasia.com