ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) is generally well known for its balanced view of the world. Despite its high journalistic standards, it sometimes slips into Hindu bashing in the garb of India bashing.
Mr Philip Adams one of the respected, popular and long standing radio broadcaster did it this time under the heading “India Now : the great democratic experiment”. Hindu Council of Australia’s National President Mr Prakash Mehta, accused Mr Adams of being ignorant of India’s history, its great achievements and of playing in the hands of disgruntled communal Indian politicians. He also objected to Hindu bashing evident in the broadcast. Other listeners also objected to the one sided views expressed in the program.
Phillip Andrew Hedley Adams, AO, FAHA, FRSA (born 12 July 1939) is an Australian humanist,[2]social commentator, broadcaster, public intellectual and farmer. He hosts an ABC Radio Nationalprogram, Late Night Live, four nights a week, and writes a weekly column for The Australian.
The radio program was aired on ABC radio and its audio can be heard on
Mr Prakash Mehta said,
It seems this time Phillip Adams brought Congress Party spokespersons and paraded them as academic scholars. Don’t believe in what I say? Read on….
Rebuttal of Points made by Sunil
1. India took a giant leap from the millennia of caste ridden Hindu culture to the oppressive British Raj: Interestingly, despite being a political science expert, he forgets that Moghuls ruled for nearly 800 years before the British? He also forgot the reign of Harsha, Vikramaditya, Maurya et al known as the golden era of India?
2. He forgets Basaveswara 12th century statesman and philosopher and his phenomenal work even before Magna Carta in inclusiveness including empowerment of women
3. left suffered in emergency. Interestingly left wholeheartedly backed emergency.
4. Gandhi then Nehru and then the WW II aftermath saved democracy in India but doesn’t tell us that Nehru lost to Patel by 0-12 (of the 15 members three abstained) in the congress party election, yet Gandhi issued a dictate, Nehru should be PM. Thus, both these leaders killed democracy in the embryonic stage itself and Nehru shamelessly accepted to become the first PM and Gandhi considered his wish more important than democratic election. (
5. He says the new definition is democracy is Hinduism but forgets that Hindu majority India and the BJP – a nationalist party- made, for example. a muslim as President (Abdul Kalam), Hepatulla (Governor), Zaidi (Chief election commissioner). Democracy survived because of Hindu majority need a proof? see what happened in neighbouring Pakistan
6. Army is being used NOW to handle internal crisis like J&K and Naxals. For the last three decades, army is used in J&K and against Naxals. Yet Sunil uses the word ‘NOW ‘
7. farmers and dalit protests give hope: Check out who instigated Dalit protest by blatantly false statement that Atrocities Act is being abolished..Rahul Gandhi !..
He further added that :
1. RSS had no role in freedom movement: It is the same hogwash that congress party pushes. RSS did participate in the Quit India Movement. Read British Home Department records at that point in time instead of the history written by the Leftist and Nehruvian historians (
2. Appointment of Army Chief by Modi govt superseding two seniors is a threat to democracy. Indira Gandhi brought Arun Vaidya in 1978 superseding Gen Sinha. Also the UPA superseded Sinha to bring in Dhawan? (
3. Nandini echoes Rahul Gandhi when she says democracy is in threat because the impeachment motion against Chief Justice is rejected by Vice President. Naidu rejected CJI impeachment after consulting several legal luminaries.
4. Nandini again echoes Rahul Gandhi by accusing bench fixing by CJI
5. Terrorism: Cases were falsely lodged by Congress Party going by recent judgement from Supreme Court. Court considers evidence before giving judgements.
6. People are ignoring gangrapes: Really? Media reports otherwise
7. Media subordinated: NDTV, IndiaToday TV, The Wire, Indian Express, the Hindu are anti Modi media and spew venom day in and day out against Modi. Google it …
8. Retired general appointed to political office. Well General Vaidya and Air Marshal Latif were appointed as Governors by Indira Gandhi too. But here because of Gen Singh we could safely bring back over 4000 Indians, and 500 Americans trapped in Yemen- rescued mainly included Muslims and Kerala Leftists !!
Both Sunil and Nandini conveniently forget that in 2014 Modi’s BJP was in power only in four states now it is in power in 21 states and congress is reduced to four. All democratically elected with two defeats too Punjab and Delhi. Yet they feel democracy is in danger.
Hindu Council rebuts ABC radio’s biased program against Hindus